Sick with horror, I stared at it. I was Henry Jekyll when Iwent to bed, 'I thought. 'And now I am Edward Hyde…What possible explanation can there be?
It was still too cold to plant anything, so for days I just stared out the window at these holes.
Of course, everyone at the table stared at me as I unfolded the napkin and read what it said.
I stared at the abyss every day and I wanted to run away from it.
My father stared at it without touching it. "Should I open it now?" he asked.
Nor could "50 million" different hairstyles-black wigs, blonde dyes, hair extensions-do much to improve the face that stared at her out of the tabloids. It was "just the way I was born".
也不管她用了“ 5千万”种不同的发形-黑的假发,染的棕发,拉的直发-去改进她的脸型以避免那些小报记者只注意她那“与生俱来”有些许暇疵的脸。
I stared at the canteen as if it were a mirage.
I don't like being stared at. It makes me uncomfortable.
I retreated from the troops due to cough, just trained for one day, but in the time after that, when I stared at the valor marching of my fellow schoolmates, I thought it was incredible.
I attribute it mostly to how much time I've stared at the computer screen over my life.
I just stood there and stared at the empty station and the black tunnel holes where they all ran in. It was completely silent.
It was all I could do to make my fingers work, but I got some of the rest of the shell flaked away and stared at the yellow.
As I stared, I heard a voice speaking to me, but it was not Dora's. It was her companion, whom I had not noticed at all while Mr Spenlow was making the introductions.
I stared out at the trees along the shoreline, it was so beautiful.
I took a long time explaining it to him but he still stared at me blankly.
I started to write something down several times, but each time I stopped, stared at the sentence for a couple of minutes, and then either crossed it out or else crumpled up the paper.
I stared up at the ceiling and it was like my life. There was nothing there anymore, except emptiness and hate.
I stared up at the ceiling and it was like my life. There was nothing there anymore, except emptiness and hate.