Amy: Oh, I think I know the place you mean. We ate there last month, right?
PP: Well, I think I know the answer but I don't know that I'm convenient with giving that answer.
RITA: I keep trying to figure out why. I think I know the reason, but it just doesn't make sense.
Commitment is a white paper, and then the script has also been thick end, I think I know the taste of tears, even if the pay every point, every second I do not have bailing.
Right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls, but I'll let you know tomorrow.
I know some of the other presentations are looking at food and farming methods and what they do to the environment, so I think we'll avoid that.
When I meet students who think they can't write, I know as a teacher my mission is to show them the rest of the rooms.
"I don't know that I think so VERY much of that little song, Rat," observed the Mole cautiously.
So I think that from what we know and what we’ve seen over the past month, I think they’re off to a good start.
I think I have owned all of them in the past, though in which attics and basements they now languish I do not know.
It's one of the friendliest communities I know of any type, and I do think the community is the strongest part of the operating system.
Eugene: I think there are people who do this, but I don't know it. I don't know all the details.
I don't know what we'd have been like without each other, but I think the world would be a poorer place.
I don't know. It seems the only truth is money and I think money is a lie.
It is possible obviously, but I want to convey, I want to open up the question as well because I think it is really important to know this is a really painful difficult process.
But I started to think, I don't know if the future is bright, but that makes me curious to see what will happen, and things started to look up after I came down and got this job.
Even after sixteen years of cleaning people's houses, I want to think the world is getting better and better, but really I know it 'snot.
I mean I do think that the Iraqis were shocked by American elements, at least what we know, [that were] in the draft agreement.
I don't think we know enough yet. I don't think we have even begun to discover what the basic principles are.
I know the problems started in my department, but I don't think I should shoulder the responsibility for other people's mistakes.
I just have to confess, I don't know what the best thing to say about these cases, I find myself inclined to think reassembled watch, same watch; reassembled tower, not same tower.
I think about that every morning when I wake up, first thing, during the day, I don't know how many times and every night before I fall asleep.
He has three E-mail addresses, at least that I know about, but I've figured out the best one. I think.
It felt very idealistic, so while I know that many people found the book compelling, I think there weren't many people who could imagine directly applying its ideals.
I think I know more about the problems with C + + than just about anyone, but I also know how to avoid them and how to use C + + 's strengths.
What, the unsmiling waiter wanted to know, did I think I was doing, coming to his restaurant and opening the broom cupboard door. Stop it immediately.
And I think I mentioned that, and didn't mention they were hard, I don't know, he even mentioned me in the paper.
Even the things I think I know about Dubai, projects that have been relentlessly hyped, turn out to be both more and less real than I'd imagined.
I just wanted to let you know that I think you're all the way beautiful. Not just pretty, but, you know, smart and kindhearted.
I just wanted to let you know that I think you're all the way beautiful. Not just pretty, but, you know, smart and kindhearted.