I know that it all sounds good on paper (or on the screen in our case) but try to brainstorm practical steps that you can take to move towards your ideal work situation.
There are others benefits to do exercise; I just do not list here. Move, try yourself to do some exercise, do not always sitting on the chair.
B: Well, uh… I think I sometimes try to do too much. I'm learning to concentrate on the most important tasks and then move to the less important tasks. I'm learning how to prioritize my time.
是啊,嗯……有时我想一下子干太多的工作,我正在学会在工作中分清轻重缓 急,学会更合理地分配工作时间。
Hi there are no arrows, arrows on my pics are put there by me to try and show you which move I am explaining.
"I try to calm myself just before going on stage - I don't move, don't talk - but still, my heart would beat faster as the countdown continues," he says.
But we have to move on and it's up to me to try and strengthen our squad as well as I can.
But we have to move on and it's up to me to try and strengthen our squad as well as I can.