When I walk home after school, I take out my savings to go into a flower shop.
Then, I walk home everyday, from Huamu Road, along with Dongxiu Road, to Jin'an Road(W).
Some day, when I walk home after school, I see this guy is helping an old man pick up the fruit on the ground.
She wanted to walk home but I wouldn't hear of it.
After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate to walk home with Jemma, as usual.
But on the walk home I realized the conversation I had with him was actually quite nostalgic for me.
You would imagine I was the devil himself, Miss Linton, to excite such horror. Be so kind as to walk home with him, will you?
We ate the rest of our meal quickly. I took her home on the train but when we reached her station, she said I didn't have to walk her home.
I forget to bring my umbrella with me, and have to walk home in rain in consequence.
I live in words Backban I walk a great deal, I live in the backban walking into class and home, that's 3 or 4 miles right there.
As she looked out at the congregation, she spoke confidently, "I would like for my grandma to have church." She cannot walk, and she and my grandpa have to stay at home.
My friends offered me lifts home but I said I would walk, being in the active mood.
On the way home I have a relaxing day in Vancouver, a city where one may walk without fear.
I can walk from my home to BBC's Broadcasting House right through Regent's Park.
When I returned to work I was surprised that I could, against all advise to the contrary, walk home down the very same street at night without experiencing any fear whatsoever.
And so, if he shows these clips: I walk in, "Honey, I'm home," and my spouse has the look of contempt, it's a bad sign.
We would go to dinner and then out for a walk downtown; I would have her home on time and truly cared about her.
I can walk from my home to BBC's Broadcasting House right through Regent's Park.
I couldn't tell him the rest: that I had not wanted the boy to walk me home, that I didn't want someone with such nice shoes to see where I lived.
One time I came home to find a note on the front door that led me to another note, then another, until I reached the walk-in closet.
Every night, Marla and I walk in the garden until I'm sure that Tyler's not coming home that night.
I don't yet feel like returning home, so, clutching my bag of tools, I walk all the way to the old university, stopping to rest in front of Saint Peter's Church.
"Oh, I swing by here on my walk home from school all the time to say hi to Grandma," Sean said.
I'm going to walk home now and contemplate where I have gone wrong all these years.
I'm going to walk home now and contemplate where I have gone wrong all these years.