He was trying to protect Robert from March, but now I was angry at him for not being able to stop her.
And the LORD was angry enough with Aaron to destroy him, but at that time I prayed for Aaron too.
I wanted to be angry at him and his colleague, who was now shredding my girlfriend's Marlboros one pack at a time, but I felt a grudging respect for his integrity.
Today, my boss was angry at me because I had filed a complaint about him refusing to change our phone service to something more reliable.
I did not want to argue with him, although I was very angry at that time, I told him not to lose our Chinese people's face in front of the foreigner, then he said 3000rmb!
"It's complicated," she says. "I am less angry toward him than I was at various times in my life, but really I just feel a hole, no liberation."
"It's complicated," she says. "I am less angry toward him than I was at various times in my life, but really I just feel a hole, no liberation."