I would prefer not to sell it, rather than be humiliated by you.
I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for the baby's safety.
Honestly, I am very flattered by your interest, but I would prefer not to share that information.
I would prefer not to comment on the link to the website, as I am not familiar with the website in question.
You will want to do is a friend I would prefer not to, I would not pay such a friend, so do not deliberate ask a friend for you to do.
I would prefer not to give specific answers to your questions, but rather to outline some of my perspective on what I feel the lessons have been for me, and others with whom I have talked.
Or, if you prefer, use a free service like 43 Things (though, as noted in my earlier post on setting goals, I would strongly encourage you not to pursue 43 learning goals at one time!).
"It's not a way I would prefer to go up.... there's a little less room in there than a coffin," he joked.
I'm OK that they are not customer-understandable - though I would prefer that they were if it were close to free.
Asked if he would burn or shred the manuscript, he replied, mischievously: "Perhaps I already have and prefer not to reveal the method."
What is not, if I choose, I would prefer to abandon both, and a drop relaxed people at ease and Happy.
I would prefer to save money for unavoidable expenses and enjoy life by being a producer, not a consumer.
I am surprised the Chinese just want to follow the US example. Would they not prefer to be more progressive themselves?
But if I know that such a thing will happen next, I would prefer my own overslept, did not go to school.
If you do not offer me a job, I would prefer to go to the hell instead of living here.
On the contrary, it is not that I belittle those who would prefer to stay in a big city.
I just want to live long run, would prefer not to make mistakes but also unwilling to take risks, rather quiet and not a surprise!
Therefore, I prefer the British do not cornea transplant, I would like to feel his love for me.
If you do not offer me a job, I would prefer to go to the hell instead of living here.
Whilst not the cheapest option around I would prefer to pay the small amount extra here and have a much much better stay.
I would prefer to be three points ahead but three behind is not a problem because I know we can do it.
I would prefer to be three points ahead but three behind is not a problem because I know we can do it.