When evening fell, my father would sit out in the verandah facing the garden. I would then be summoned to sing to him.
I wish that I could sing better, more melodiously, but then perhaps you would never have consented to listen to me.
It's just as I overhear a bird chirp in its dream and then I would like to sing for her silently all my life.
Yeah, if I can not sing, I compose and I play guitar, or at least sing what I want to sing about, then I would rather not be a singer.
Then said the skylark, "But I would remind you of this, I can fly even as high as you, and I can sing and give delight to the other creatures of this earth."
Then said the skylark, "But I would remind you of this, I can fly even as high as you, and I can sing and give delight to the other creatures of this earth."