I can't hug him, or make his breakfast, or yell at him about walking on my carpets with his cleats or cheer for him at his games.
I can't hug him or make his breakfast, or yell at him about walking on my carpets with his cleats or cheer for him at his games because we haven't seen him play soccer in over a year.
"Well, " I huffed, sensing an opportunity to finally yell at him, "what would you call it?"
He drived me crazy, but I couldn't yell at him or hit him as he just a little boy.
He said it wasn't his fault if he couldn't play as well as me and that I shouldn't yell at him.
I told you, you can't yell at him every time any little thing comes up.
I told you, you can't yell at him every time any little thing comes up.