After the ice-pack treatment, you may use a warm pack until the swelling and pain subsides.
As the Arctic ice pack spread southward, Norse voyages to the west were rerouted into the open Atlantic, then ended altogether.
To make it less painful, put an ice pack on the arm.
They spent weeks tracking and recording the hunting behaviour in the pack ice off the coast of the Antarctica Peninsula.
When the Belgica became stuck in pack ice, her crew achieved the unintended distinction of being the first humans to overwinter in the Antarctic.
In a second experiment, people who briefly handled a therapeutic hot pad instead of an ice pack were more likely to later select a gift for a friend rather than themselves.
Ice the trouble spot with an ice pack or a bag of frozen veggies for 20 minutes, every 4 to 6 hours.
Jeannette became locked in the ice pack above Siberia. It drifted in the Arctic for 21 months, but was eventually crushed by the pressure, and sank on June 13, 1881.
In some places, however, the trends were far larger than the average, espcially around the lower-latitude edges of the ice pack.
Almost nothing grows on their land; their animals graze on desert bushes; the people mine ingots of salt from what looks like shimmering pack ice.
If there's no fridge, pack your lunch in a small insulated lunch bag with an ice pack.
The ice-cream pack was borrowed to decorate the car.
Alaska's walrus, especially breeding females, in summer and fall are usually found on the Arctic ice pack.
The ice pack and icebergs pose various threats to drilling RIGS and crews.
You can use either a store-bought cold pack or a frozen wet towel. Ice for 10 or 15 minutes.
你可以采用买来的冰袋或冰冻的湿毛巾,冰敷10 - 15分钟。
More tantalising bear prints were spotted, crimping the edge of pack ice, making their big-footed way across a small floe.
For touch, select an object with "a notable texture or temperature, like a rock, a piece of fabric, or an instant ice pack."
The Yamal is one of Russia's biggest, most powerful icebreakers, and one of the few ships in the world capable of cutting through the thick Arctic pack ice.
To reduce pain and swelling, apply a cold pack or cloth filled with ice.
He yelped, climbed into the kitchen chair and poked at the tender pink skin until his wife brought him an ice pack.
An ice pack applied to the back of the neck — ten minutes on, ten minutes off — works wonders.
Go sledding. If you're too klutzy to manage ice skating (like me!) sledding can be equally fun and romantic. Just be sure to pack that thermos of hot chocolate!
Polar bears living in a large southern edge of the Arctic pack ice zone.
If too much volcanic heat is discharged, the crater's ice pack will melt away entirely and the caves will vanish along with the snows of yesteryear.
If too much volcanic heat is discharged, the crater's ice pack will melt away entirely and the caves will vanish along with the snows of yesteryear.