Firstly, the ice slush characteristics of Yellow River Inner Mongolia reach are analyzed from history datum.
The slush is compacted by an unknown mechanism, and solid, bubble-free ice is formed from water high in soluble organic substances.
But a new look at Titan's insides reveals even more oddities: Beneath the brittle crust of ice lies a layer of slush. Deeper still is an underground ocean over a solid core of rock and ice.
The project is dubbed an "engineering marvel" because people used to think the perennial ice and slush along the route could never support tracks and trains.
Another possible home to life is Jupiters moon, Europa, which seems to have slush beneath its ice crust that is kept warm by tides. But exploration is a long way off.
The invention is suitable for use on various ice cream freezers and slush machines.
The invention is suitable for use on various ice cream freezers and slush machines.