This in turn increases the rate of idea-generation and the rapidity with which ideas are vetted tested and rejected.
The idea of being willing to, as he says, sacrifice a part of his body for a career, you could easily translate that to a whole generation.
Who better to host it in Congress than the diminutive doctor who, morefaithfully than anyone else on the Hill, has for more than a generation stoodfor the idea of sound money?
除了这位小个头医生外,国会里还有谁能更好的主持这场大讨论呢? 他对健全货币的信仰比国会山上的任何人都更坚定,亦为之奋斗了超过一个世代之久。
The idea is that Russia and Ukraine should jointly develop and operate Ukraine's energy resources, including electricity and nuclear generation, and sales.
She spoke for a generation of women who were struggling to have it all, but had no idea what that looked like.
“We’re a squirmy generation,” admits Tyler Hunt, a University of Toronto student who is about to start looking for work. “The idea of settling into a job for 30 years just isn’t appealing.”
If last decade was the decade of idea generation, will the new one be the decade of vision building?
Today the idea lives on in a new generation of string trimmers and edgers that people often call weed whackers.
今天,这个想法已经发展到具有修剪和打边功能,被人们称为weed whackers(杂草克星?)的新一代割草机。
The idea is we want to get this on the road for the next generation of battery packs that come out.
Asking customers to participate in your problem-solving and idea generation is an act of courage, not of weakness.
She has no idea that hundreds of workers in other parts of the hive are doing the same thing at the same time to the benefit of the next generation.
Simply dedicate a small chunk of time to basic idea generation: ten minutes, twenty, thirty, it’s up to you.
Studies of idea generation have lingered on variety and divergence, but vision building is based on convergence, on bringing others onboard.
The idea behind these tools is that you can use an existing class as the template for your run-time class generation.
In 1860 Louis Pasteur performed experiments that eventually disproved "spontaneous generation," the idea that life continually arose from nonliving things.
The idea that we "should" be rich, and that it has been a long time coming, contributes to the often arrogant approach taken by the so-called second generation rich in all countries.
And the idea was that gravity did work on the water and falling, and that work led to the generation of heat.
As he says, the site is a source of inspiration and motivation, plus mindmapping tips, drawing tips, techniques for enhancing your creativity and improving idea generation
The whole idea of the first-generation SOAP engines was to convince the world that Web services are a desirable option.
That will give you a better idea of what you're actually getting from Shale, and it will help you evaluate whether it's worth making the jump to this next-generation framework.
As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.
The original idea of their fourth-generation fighters is to have an aircraft capable of beating any other contender.
"They told me that they resolved money problems together earlier, but they have no idea about the economic pressure on our generation. It's much bigger," Tong says.
The young generation gets high education, they believe in science, holding the idea that all the traditional country life styles should be abandoned, such as the behavior of shao xiang.
Of course, you will also need to cut unnecessary losses, or how to have to repair the generation of the idea.
In allusion to idea generation matrix, represents the knowledge included in the method based on frame, and proposes a correspondent mechanism of concept reasoning.
In this paper special features of Hanzi pattern are analysed, the main idea and algorithms for realizing of the generation system of writing Hanzi are discussed.
A further theme in Deuteronomy is the fact that the covenant concept entails the idea that each generation of Israelites understand itself as having been bound with God in the original covenant.
A further theme in Deuteronomy is the fact that the covenant concept entails the idea that each generation of Israelites understand itself as having been bound with God in the original covenant.