They spend a few minutes in idle one way chatter, complaining about the project or task that they have to do.
Even if one were to search with a lantern, no one idle man or one tramp could have been found.
One of these servers is considered to be "active" and is in control of these resources, while the other is idle and sits ready in case it is needed, as shown in Figure 2.
One symptom of insufficient concurrency and insufficient connection pool size is an idle CPU.
If no thread is available, a new one is created, and then if the thread from the pool is idle for 60 seconds, it goes away.
Meanwhile, one or more background GC threads will use idle cycles to get additional work done.
Under the new pricing scheme, one would pay for each application instance running even if that application is mostly idle.
And cocaine is more than an idle metaphor. The reptilian brain — one of the nervous system's most ancient parts — floods you with dopamine, just as it does after you snort a line of blow.
The island, with a population of just 20 million, feels like one big tropical zoo: elephants roam freely, water buffaloes idle in paddy fields and monkeys swing from trees.
Our comrade pointed out how the land was one of the means by which the Labour of the workers was exploited by an idle class.
According to the researcher, computations may take one day, one week or a month to complete, depending on the user's amount of idle time and computer speed.
In this topology, it's obvious that the application placement controller in one data center will not be able to tap into idle capacity in the other data center.
If one calculation relies on the results of a previous one, then much of the chip will sit idle until that result is ready and the speed advantage will be lost.
Apart from an idle man halfheartedly flipping through a book of local attractions, there was no one in the front of the shop, where miniature carved boats and model fish aged unwanted on the shelves.
It seems to me, brothers, that this is an idle old vagabond, who does no good to any one.
If a connection is idle for approximately one minute, or if the message flow completes, the broker closes the connection for example.
One of the main is the high efficiency of the process of work, furthermore not a lot of time is spent for the idle talks, spreading silly rumors and gossiping.
A large ship, with three masts, lay becalmed on the water, with only one sail set; for not a breeze stiffed, and the sailors sat idle on deck or amongst the rigging.
If the first gear pump operation, or long-term idle after use, preferably in small load or no-load circumstances Xianpao One hour.
To live cooped up in a small flat with some one who was out of work, idle, and indifferent to her.
Devices often require extra clock idle time before the first clock or after the last one, or between a command and its response.
If the threshold specified is zero second, then connections never times out. The default idle timeout is one hour.
Around the world, there are more than one billion cars, and in the United States alone, over 250 million of those cars sit idle 93 percent of the time in driveways and parking lots.
An idle client is one which has transmitted no keyboard or pointer events for more than a certain length of time.
If one of the servers in the high availability cluster fails, then the clustering software transfers the workload to the idle standby database server.
'We have almost one assembly plant's worth of idle capacity,' said a Toyota executive familiar with manufacturing.
'We have almost one assembly plant's worth of idle capacity,' said a Toyota executive familiar with manufacturing.