If that is so, what is a thread and how is it associated with a process.
And if that is so, the place to start looking for longer life is in the repair shop.
And if that is so, there may be a very positive side-effect on the profits of their makers.
If that is so, one wonders why Mr Jones went through the expensive business of patenting it.
If that is so, we owe four hundreds ninety-nine times turning eyes back to eternity encounter.
Even if that is so, there is a fair chance that the literature surveyed was biased the other way.
If that is so, and if deceiving is an intentional activity, then one who deceives oneself does so knowingly.
Now this might seem obvious, but if that is so, why do I occasionally encounter sites with mystery meat navigation?
If that is so it almost spells the end of the Euro, with the consequent collapse of that system as other countries also fail.
If that is so, then how much can we truly understand about the behavior of the application class's code when we consider it in isolation?
But if that is so, how do you explain the dotcom bubble, when companies with no profits and barely any sales had billion-dollar valuations?
The thought may have entered your mind that the applicant is giving you the answers he or she thinks you want to hear. If that is so, it indicates you are not interviewing a dummy.
All this is so elementary that one would blush to state it if it were not being constantly forgotten by those who coin and circulate the new slogans.
The timetable for trains is so tight that if one is a bit late, the domino effect is enormous.
If something is probable, you mean that you can trust it, so probability means trustworthiness.
Why is English now considered to be so prestigious that, across the globe, individuals and societies feel disadvantaged if they do not have competence in this language?
If your goal is to improve your thinking, she recommends picking clothes that fit well and are unlikely to encourage restlessness, so, avoid bows, ties and unnecessary accessories.
This proved that Murphy' s Law is true: If the toast can land butter side down, it will do so.
It would be so easy if you built a cohesive system that carries the entire transaction to create a receipt that is useful.
We see our children as an extension of ourselves, so if you're saying that my child is behaving inappropriately, then that's somehow a criticism of me.
If you do choose to consume beverages that stain, consider using a straw so the liquid is not hitting off your teeth.
I was wondering if that was unusual to have a portrait artist who is a woman become so well-known and successful in the 19th century.
In very hot chilies, the capsaicin content is so amazing that if you cut the pepper, you will immediately feel burning pain on your skin.
Teach your child what is needed in certain disasters so that they know what is available for them, if ever needed.
If your program is a viewer or editor of data—such as a word processor or an image displayer—that data might be from an attacker, so it's an untrusted input.
Though it is not necessarily expected that you give a gift to your host, it is considered polite to do so, especially if you have been invited for a meal.
The question is, if wrinkled fingers are so helpful, why don't our hands just stay that way all the time?
The question is, if wrinkled fingers are so helpful, why don't our hands just stay that way all the time?