These challenges are healthy ones and will result in your own personal growth if you persevere rather than run away at your first glimpse of life as others live it.
It's kind of heavy going (possibly weird depending on where you're at) but well worth it if you can persevere and digest his words thoughtfully.
When you hit a tough stretch, either physically or mentally, if the goal you're working toward has deep significance for you, you'll find a way to persevere.
To sleep well and have a good mood are very necessary. You'll need to persevere if you want to have a healthy body.
Every experience, whether it is good or bad, if it is based on the passionate belief, will give you the will and the character to learn, grow and persevere in the future.
But if you are determined to break up and lazy, in actual life study persevere, so.
If you build up gradually, listen to your body and persevere you will avoid any pitfalls and reap the plethora of benefits from a good jump-rope workout.
If you have made a mistake, you are persevere — that will turn you in the right.
We must propel and persevere and dig deep to be successful, because as the old saying goes, "if you want more, you have to be more."
If you want to be more successful, embrace disciplines and topics that are outside the norm for you — and persevere even when mastery is a struggle.
Furthermore, don't cling to the amount of doing repentance prostrations, don't be conceited if you do much, don't have afflictions if you do little, so long as you persevere, all can be reformed.
Furthermore, don't cling to the amount of doing repentance prostrations, don't be conceited if you do much, don't have afflictions if you do little, so long as you persevere, all can be reformed.