If so ill-conceived local services, please understanding.
Free-speech defenders were outraged, seeing the move as doubly ill-conceived.
On December 9th Time Warner span off AOL, undoing a famously ill-conceived merger.
A misunderstanding, a betrayed confidence, an unrepaid loan, an ill-conceived flirtation.
An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee.
But even in the tortured logic of trade talks, the decision to abandon the Potsdam negotiations was ill-conceived.
The written word was a forgiving medium for over-complicated, ill-conceived messages. Video demands simplicity and immediacy.
Mr. Einhorn said that Mr. Ballmer had missed opportunities to compete with Apple and had squandered money on ill-conceived deals.
Schaeffler and Porsche are in trouble after launching murky, ill-conceived takeovers involving derivatives and mountains of debt.
But there was a benefit: "Social forgetting" allowed everyone to move on from embarrassing or ill-conceived moments in their lives.
But if they lose, it should be because their policies are unpopular or ill-conceived - not because millions of people believe a lie.
DOJ is proposing "a narrowly focused and ill-conceived policy that ignores unique considerations affecting international aviation," the carriers wrote.
Some hope Shennongjia will use its unique status to lead a closure of ill-conceived hydropower plants in return for state compensation to the hydro companies.
Worse, in the past, ill-conceived designs, safety scares and theregulatory delays they gave rise to made nuclear plants even more costly thantheir hefty price-tags suggest.
Not only is this a futile attempt to stop the spread of the TSA leak, but it's also an ill-conceived idea on many different angles - the Streisand effect being only one of those angles.
Hackney is a mishmash, where newly built luxury flats housing the City's more adventurous bankers and lawyers compete with ill-conceived concrete estates that make even the police hesitate.
Given Google's tendency to pursue multiple initiatives in different directions while looking for a new growth business, investors may rightly worry about the chance of an ill-conceived big deal.
"Building new coal-fired power plants is ill conceived," said James E. Hansen, a leading climatologist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
The design was bulky and ill conceived for the reality of battle, and was quickly dropped.
He conceived the ill-selling Phaeton, a luxury VW model with its own “transparent” assembly works in Dresden.
But even in the tortured logic of trade talks, the decision to abandon the Potsdam negotiations was ill - conceived.
Unless one or more of these conditions pertain, there is no good reason for leaders to apologize. An apology that is misguided or ill conceived can actually do more harm than good.
Unless one or more of these conditions pertain, there is no good reason for leaders to apologize. An apology that is misguided or ill conceived can actually do more harm than good.