Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill.
The virtual desktops, multiple mouse buttons, and other features of a typical desktop are ill-suited for use on a small screen with a stylus.
Small businesses, on the other hand, were ill-informed, and 59% of those surveyed had no plans to use the cloud at all.
If a lot of threads are genuinely ill-behaved (never closing), you will still have a problem, but it becomes easier to debug at least. Here is a wrapper I use.
HERE's something I hadn't known: first, that some people consider the use of anyways to mark an ill-educated boob (I'd have just thought it casual).
Along with the network storm of abuse accusations and she is the fear of ill, she began to use alcohol and cigarettes to their own anesthesia.
Some hope Shennongjia will use its unique status to lead a closure of ill-conceived hydropower plants in return for state compensation to the hydro companies.
Donors who are already ill may have their plasma collected for use as a positive control for laboratory testing.
Such people may be using a tactic called forced teaming, pulling others into ill-advised intimacy and gaining information they can use to embarrass, exploit, invade, or control.
In 1999 a German man died in a fight triggered by his ill-mannered Handy use.
While no treatment in medicine is without its risks and drawbacks, we use those that are likely to do more good than ill.
If the gut function, use the gut! If enteral nutrition can be used effectively, the critically ill patient can be saved.
Objective To investigate the ill effects caused by hypoglycemic drugs for guiding reasonable clinical use of the drugs.
It is also possible for an ill-behaved software program to use the timer-counter for another purpose and change the interrupt rate.
If we stop people from developing diabetes in the first place we will prevent a great deal of ill health, save money, reduce use of NHS resources and, crucially, save lives.
Objective To use heart rate variations (HRV) in analysing and judging critically ill patient's prognosis.
Here's the list. Use our comments section below to weigh in on which of these estimates are reasonable, and which seem ill advised or overly optimistic.
Try to improve the air flow in the area where the ill person stays. Use doors and Windows to take advantage of breezes.
Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this International Standard.
Objective: Use mini dose heparin to treat DIC in critically ill children and evaluate its curative effect.
"All I know is that people in these parts are highly superstitious," says the Englishman. "They fear the demons of the desert bring ill fortune on them." Could we could use that?
Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth, are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill.
Background and Objective: In the past few decades, the use of parenteral nutrition has greatly improved the nutritional status of critically ill patients.
Use of the modified tilt table may offer a more suitable therapeutic option when treating critically ill patients by providing a safe and controlled transition from bed rest to ambulation.
Use of the modified tilt table may offer a more suitable therapeutic option when treating critically ill patients by providing a safe and controlled transition from bed rest to ambulation.