The prisoners complained of ill treatment by their guards.
I think that's why there are only isolated cases of dismissals or ill treatment towards Filipinos.
But it found that the medical professionals' role was primarily to support the interrogators, not to protect the prisoners, and that the professionals had "condoned and participated in ill treatment."
Another thread running through this series is the role of doctors in the treatment of the mentally ill.
In the mid-nineteenth century, Dorothea Dix began to campaign for humane treatment of the mentally ill.
Those terminally ill patients should have the right not to receive treatment and die as a result.
On January 29th, 2020, Zhong Nanshan and his team spent over four hours online checking five patients who were seriously ill, and made a treatment plan for those patients.
When you see somebody brought into the hospital, ill or dying, how can you send them away even if you know they can't afford the treatment?
If he sped up diagnosis by showing reliably who was going to become truly ill, treatment could start much earlier.
Only early targeted treatment in the young will effectively prevent the risk of increasingly largely proportions of severely ill...patients in the future.
That's because babies in the UK are likely to be well-nourished and healthy, and good treatment is quickly available when they get ill.
Popular demand for an unproved surgical treatment for multiple sclerosis shows the growing power of social media to shape medical practice-for good and ill.
After some hearty talk about hard work behind bars, and siphoning off drug addicts and the mentally ill for treatment outside prison, Mr Clarke gets to the nub of it.
False positives, however, may misdirect the treatment of people who are suffering from other fevers. They also waste drugs in a way that poor countries can ill afford.
In any case, the failure to offer pain relief shows up some bigger holes in the treatment of the very ill in Africa, particularly those with cancer.
It means that critically ill patients that need to be fed through nasogastric tubes will be able to receive safer and more secure treatment.
It has also given authorization for several dozen ill and wounded Gazans to seek medical treatment in Israel.
Mr. Day recalls with pride Mr. McCain stubbornly refusing to accept special treatment or curry favor to be released early, even when gravely ill. Mr.
From these sources, families not only learn strategies to help them cope with their ill family member, but also learn to be an active part of the treatment.
Your ACTS are ACTS of exploitation, possessiveness, nationalism, ill-treatment of women and children, cruelty to animals.
People surveyed in a range of countries believe that all members of society should have access to care and receive treatment when ill or injured, without going bankrupt as a result.
For example, Pathways to housing was established in New York City in 1992 to provide housing first, and then treatment, to mentally ill homeless people.
The angel of the Lord said to her, Go back to your mistress and submit to her ill-treatment.
As members of society, psychiatrists must advocate for fair and equal treatment of the mentally ill, for social justice and equity for all.
作为社会的成员,精神病医师应倡导为精神病者提供公平和同等治疗, 倡导为整个人类的社会正义和公正。
Mr Rogoff likens the situation to that of a terminally ill patient who is offered a risky treatment that may cure the disease but is sure to have nasty long-term side-effects.
Mr Rogoff把形势比作一个绝症病人接受一项有风险的治疗,也许能冶好但确定会有严重的、长期的副作用。
When the story of the barber's ill-treatment of his wife got wind, he left town.
More than three years later, there is no evidence of any ill effects from the treatment.
More than three years later, there is no evidence of any ill effects from the treatment.