Plants that were in no immediate danger gave out less than one ultrasonic sound per hour.
The levels do not pose any immediate danger to human health.
None of the failures seemed to signal an immediate danger, so the Thales AA was not removed from service.
这些故障似乎都没有显示出迫在眉睫的危险,所以泰勒斯AA 型飞机并没有停止服役。
Is there immediate danger? Murmured Mr. Mason.
He says the levels do not pose any immediate danger to human health.
His heart and lungs were working hard, but he didn't seem in immediate danger.
If you're out on the street, go someplace safe and away from the immediate danger.
Though the bridge is a bit rickety, there is no immediate danger in walking over it.
Despite the stresses in funding markets, Europe's main Banks are in no immediate danger.
The psychological condition of fear is divorced from any concrete and true immediate danger.
Remember, Rabies is slow, you are in no immediate danger of going crazy and attacking people.
Yes, those signs mean hindrance. But they are not close to you so there is no immediate danger.
Don't try to move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
If you think your friend is in immediate danger, stay close — make sure he or she isn't left alone.
Drought, fire, pathogenic fungi and introduced predators have put it in immediate danger of extinction.
The Spanish sovereign is sick but unlike neighboring Greece, it is in no immediate danger of going bust.
Mr Qaddafi is in no immediate danger of losing control of his capital, which houses nearly half Libya's population.
The immediate danger if he handles the affair badly is that the war effort will suffer and he will be blamed for it.
But the immediate danger that comes with raising an unrepentant misogynist to the nation's highest office is emboldenment;
But if the dog's body is relaxed and its tail wags from side to side that signals to the owner that there is no immediate danger.
During a lull in the battle, when mom had been stabilized and brought out of immediate danger, a nurse asked me if he had a name.
But if the dog's body is relaxed and its tail wags from side to side, that signals to the owner that there is no immediate danger.
It allows us to resolve conflicts so that, for example, we can work out we are in more immediate danger from a car overtaking that bus.
In immediate danger, he said, were the 300 million people who depended on forests and the more than 1 billion who lived off sea fishing.
The new study was the first large trial to look at a far larger group who had symptoms of clogged arteries and were in no immediate danger.
Do not attempt to move injured or unconscious people unless they are in immediate danger from live electrical wires, flooding, or other hazards.
The immediate danger is a threat by the leader of Bosnia's Serbian part to hold a referendum on whether to accept the judicial authority of the federal state.
They do have a rather strong hold in the enterprise space, so there’s no immediate danger of them disappearing completely from the smartphone space by any chance.
They do have a rather strong hold in the enterprise space, so there’s no immediate danger of them disappearing completely from the smartphone space by any chance.