Thus, you should never have a no-argument constructor for an immutable class.
An immutable class that meets the previous requirements appears in Listing 1.
Using this style of code is a strong visual indicator that it's an immutable class.
The following example shows two ways to implement an immutable class that has auto-implemented properties.
If you are creating a mutable class m, you should be prepared to write a lot more documentation about the treatment of references to m than if m were immutable.
Because the String class is immutable, and highly specified and controlled, it was practical to bring it into the fold of switch - but it was prudent to stop there.
Simply put, Python provides an elegant solution by including an immutable collection-based class designed to deal exclusively with sequences of characters.
Building the public-immutable-field version of the Address class in Groovy yields a nice clean implementation, shown in Listing 6.
To implement mutator methods, the new LinkedList class serves as a container for an internal, immutable list, as shown in Listing 5.
为了执行可变的方法,新的LinkedList类作为一个内部不可变的链表的容器,如清单5 所示。
The in-memory representation of a schema is defined as the schema class, which is immutable and therefore thread-safe.
The Rope class is designed to be immutable, meaning that mutator functions never modify the original Rope instance, but, rather, return a modified copy.
If a class contains only primitive fields or references to immutable objects, then it is usually the case that no fields in the object returned by super. clone need to be modified.
如果一个类只包含基本字段或对不变对象的引用,那么通常不需要修改super .clone返回的对象中的字段。
You can fix the case above, where the called method modifies an object, by making the class immutable.
If the value being assigned is an immutable value class, the method returns the object itself, instead of a copy of the class.
For the middle-class black, conditioned by these values from birth, the sense of meaning they provide is as immutable as the color of his skin.
对于中产阶级的黑 人,从出生起就受到这些价值观念的约束,人们提供的意义解释就像我的肤色是黑色的一样永恒不变。
For the middle-class black, conditioned by these values from birth, the sense of meaning they provide is as immutable as the color of his skin.
对于中产阶级的黑 人,从出生起就受到这些价值观念的约束,人们提供的意义解释就像我的肤色是黑色的一样永恒不变。