Collection types for working with immutable data, including list and sequence types.
The last advice on protecting sensitive data is to avoid using immutable data types like String.
In functional programming, you think of immutable data structures and functions that convert them.
Modifying immutable data consists of building a new version of the data and working from the new version.
Immutable data is a key aspect of many languages that focus on concurrency because it has such nice properties.
Because Clojure trees are immutable data structures, any manipulation requires that we return a new, modified tree.
All literals correspond to immutable data types, and hence the object's identity is less important than its value.
Immutable data cannot be changed and thus reading immutable data does not require locks, even when multiple threads are reading.
The values of a dictionary can be of any type, but the keys must be of an immutable data type such as strings, Numbers, or tuples.
This means that it is much easier to write multi-threading applications in functional languages because immutable data structures inherently interact cleanly with threads.
When considering a tree of nodes where each node is an immutable data structure, we must consider how to modify a node or nodes inside the tree without modifying the entire tree.
Immutable policy versions and the ability to check policy data completeness supports optimization for distributed and responsive environments.
Further, for data members that are object references, the referred-to objects must be effectively immutable.
Another difference between the container types results from the nature of the data they hold. The following four container types are immutable sequences.
The third article in this series, " Exploring the Python type hierarchy, Introducing Strings," introduces the Python string, which is also an immutable sequence, but only for character data.
本系列的第三篇文章探索Python类型的层次结构 —— 使用字符串介绍了 Pythonstring,这也是一个不可变的序列,但仅针对字符数据。
Because strings are immutable, this approach means a new string will be constructed each time through the loop, with the data copied from the old string and a single character added at the end.
URI versioning […] is a design choice when resources are immutable across time and we create new resources for state changes (similar to how we manage time-series data in a database).
URI版本控制 […]是一种设计决定,用于当资源不随时间的变迁而变化时,我们为状态的改变创建新资源(类似于管理数据库中的时间序列数据)。
If I have to do bit manipulation of large amounts of binary data, why is it, that Scala's primitive types are immutable?
If the internal state cannot change, there is no chance for different threads to see inconsistent views of the data. Immutable types can be exported from your objects safely.
If the internal state cannot change, there is no chance for different threads to see inconsistent views of the data. Immutable types can be exported from your objects safely.