The complexity of a type dictates which of three strategies you will use to initialize your immutable type.
It does not create an uninitialized string, since creating an empty instance of an immutable type serves no purpose.
To create an immutable type, you need to ensure that there are no holes that would allow clients to change your internal state.
If the range variable is not an immutable type, the query will only ignore a query result if all members of the type match an existing query result.
Some repositories have immutable item classes that are set based on the item type, while others will allow a repository administrator or end user to define the classes that can be set on an item.
The third article in this series, " Exploring the Python type hierarchy, Introducing Strings," introduces the Python string, which is also an immutable sequence, but only for character data.
本系列的第三篇文章探索Python类型的层次结构 —— 使用字符串介绍了 Pythonstring,这也是一个不可变的序列,但仅针对字符数据。
For example, the tuple type, while less flexible because it's immutable, is generally much faster than the list type when used in identical situations.
One common type of list is called a tuple, and as noted, it's immutable.
As discussed, the tuple type is an immutable heterogeneous container.
Unlike strings, which are immutable, lists are a mutable type, i. e. it is possible to change their content.
The values of a dictionary can be of any type, but the keys must be of an immutable data type such as strings, Numbers, or tuples.
An abbreviation for the type of immutable singly-linked lists.
An abbreviation for the type of immutable singly-linked lists.