Booker sat there in a brown study and didn't notice your talking to him.
He washed his hands and face, still in a brown study, apparently, and combed his hair.
By using a laser to induce pain, Brown and his team found that activity in certain parts of the brain seemed to dip when the study participants anticipated pain.
Klauer and Eckel cited a recent study done in Japan that exposed two groups of men to cold. One group had brown adipose tissue and the other didn't.
A new study of twins suggests you can blame those coarse wrinkles, brown or pink spots, and dilated blood vessels on too much time in the sun, smoking, and being overweight.
In a study at Oregon State University, consumers were shown three samples of iceberg lettuce, two of them with varying degrees of light brown on the edges and at the base.
In a study at Oregon State University, consumers were shown three samples of iceberg lettuce, two of them with varying degrees of light brown on the edges and at the base.