In a certain sense, school faces the risk of sudden incidents from the date of birth.
Nida holds that the unit should be the sentence, and in a certain sense, the discourse.
Suddenly, the birth of the Internet can, in a certain sense, almost toppled the whole traditional life.
In a certain sense, a successful scientist is a person who is never satisfied with what he has achieved.
She wasn't interested in that. She wanted to be a poet, and so in a certain sense you can see the problem.
In a certain sense, it feels like a voyage of discovery - and I feel I'm where I want to be as a footballer.
In a certain sense, the pressures of work and study have caused the prevalence of astrology among young people.
In a certain sense, indistinct language expresses more accurately and more actively than distinct language does.
The leisure physical education in a certain sense is " leisure sports " as the content of the education process.
In a certain sense, the housing security problem is a bottleneck in the urbanizing process of the migrant workers.
The Existence of exploitive phenomena in currenteconomic field has its reasonableness in a certain sense at present.
In a certain sense, Faint with oxygen is up to now the piece with the most anthropologic significance of all my works.
This is data binding, in a certain sense, because you're using XML's markup — rather than its structure — to access data.
In a certain sense, Shanghai has obtained some achievements in this field, but the existing problems remain outstanding.
In a certain sense, do any advertisements are like playing psychological warfare, not a kind of artistic creation, however.
When compare the Blog with the diary, we can find the personal sensibility Blog just like the internet-diary in a certain sense.
It has a directive function in a certain sense for technicians in the measuring wall thickness to gain accurate and reliable data.
In a certain sense, these accidents can generate some positive promotion to make the enterprise concern the quality and safety more.
In a certain sense, the process of teachers' socialization is the process of becoming a "good teacher" a certain society or age expects.
Moreover, research on hybridity in postcolonial translation studies in a certain sense also support the prototypical view of translation.
It speaks in other words as the moment in which the purposeful agency of speech is finally called into question in a certain sense undermined.
Resolution and closure, then, is mature object choice and in a certain sense there, too, it's a push forward, but we don't quite know toward what.
They form part of a Church which embraces all space and in a certain sense both time and eternity, since it is militant, suffering, and triumphant.
It is in the theoretical framework of the biology of what has been controversial occupies position, and in a certain sense, the future will also such.
This reduces the idea of interpretive community to a kind of atomism whereby we all concede and all say, "Yes, it's true. I am in a certain sense a community."
The experiments demonstrate that this is a new method of production, It will in a certain sense improve the process of manufacturing pure sodium and caustic soda.
That is to say, he is in a certain sense book - and language-determined, and he's obscurely aware that this is his problem even as it's a source of pride for him.
We saw presbyters and deacons,and bishops in a certain sense, in the Pastoral Epistles,but they weren't carefully formed into a three-tiered institution of offices.
We saw presbyters and deacons,and bishops in a certain sense, in the Pastoral Epistles,but they weren't carefully formed into a three-tiered institution of offices.