Ian was in a cold sweat when the policeman questioned him.
I couldn't make ends meet and lay awake nights in a cold sweat.
Waking in a cold sweat, Medivh makes his way to the bedchamber of his father.
I instantly break out in a cold sweat when I feel threatened, even if the threat is not even real.
One dreadful night, he felt the snake wiggling under his pillow, and he jumped out of bed in a cold sweat.
One dreadful night, he felt the snake wiggling under his pillow, and he jumped out of bed in a cold sweat.
Do you wonder that one wakes in the night in a cold sweat of fear and sleep for the rest of the night is gone?
Angrily, I woke up in a cold sweat. And then it occurred to me, I had a drawing of ducks due tomorrow in class.
Then the dream ended and became one of those horrible nightmares that cause you to wake in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.
Starting drivers do not know what happened, seeing the blood and found a needle and a knife, scared out of the driver in a cold sweat.
The hard thing isn't dreaming big. The hard thing is waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when the dream turns into a nightmare.
And the patients often nightmares, from terrorist breathtaking dreams from the start, in a cold sweat, nervous palpitations, pale face, dare not to go to sleep.
Zhou Yu , alarmed , broke out in a cold sweat. He poured a cup for Lord Guan and drank with him and said , "You are really famous for you have slain six generals and breached five passes!"
If you get wet from rain, snow, or sweat in cold temperatures, you're at an increased risk for hypothermia, a lowering of your body temperature.
Keep in mind, too, that stop-and-go activities, such as mixing walking with running, can make you more vulnerable to the cold if you repeatedly work up a sweat and then get chilly.
The snow is real, is a cold rain, tears, sweat all have been, this is what life is really in the hands of the feeling that you have, I know that.
Soon, a leaf fall, cover the body in the small insects, worms suddenly felt incredibly hard, that the devil came, wanted to eat it, scared cold sweat.
The reporter broke in to a cold sweat. Did the Wiz genuinely sense his cerebral activities?
I agree to the doctor's suggestion that my brother should have a good sweat in order to get his bad cold cured.
I agree to the doctor's suggestion that my brother should have a good sweat in order to get his bad cold cured.