Graphics put the information in a particular order so that it's easy to understand when we take a quick look.
The formula for a well-made play required that the certain of these elements be included in a particular order.
You can run your database unit tests in a particular order by using an ordered test.
With the process Filter page, you can also display these process elements in a particular order.
We are able to express almost anything on our mind by uttering a few sounds in a particular order.
Let's say that we want to specify that our service operations must be invoked in a particular order.
Patterns that combine cartographic variables are frequently used to present data arranged in a particular order.
This is important; the framework will expect a certain set of XML elements of specified type and in a particular order.
For example, matches are considered to fall in a particular order (by date), while players are not inherently ordered.
A view of a survey allows you to see a particular selection of items or to see the items sorted in a particular order.
Targets group tasks together in a particular order and expose sections of the project file as entry points into the build process.
For this to work, you must make sure that HATS checks for both customizations — but in a particular order. If HATS USES the following order.
In all mnemonic arts, advice is given that the mental palaces should be well lit, clearly set out in a particular order, at moderate intervals apart.
The script geninput does not have intelligence to put the tables in a particular order, but you need to order the tables in such a way as to minimize unload time.
The group-ending-with method is designed to step through a population of elements placed in a particular order and having flag nodes every so often to indicate the end of a group.
设计group-ending-with方法是考虑到按照一定顺序排列、并且带有标志 节点(通常表示一个分组结束)的元素总体。
Welchman's team organized simulated "gunfights" in the laboratory, with pairs of volunteers competing against each other to push three buttons on a computer console in a particular order.
For example, a particular musical theme associated with an individual character or situation may be repeated at various points in a film in order to remind the audience of salient motifs or ideas.
This architecture guarantees that the records in a particular input file will be processed in the order in which they appear in the file.
There is not a particular order for entering asset types, relationship types, or asset attributes in the repository.
These extension elements are intended to slot into particular locations in WSDL 1.1 service descriptions in order to provide additional information required for a particular type of service.
这些扩展元素是用在WSDL 1.1服务描述的特定位置以便为特定类型的服务提供必要的额外信息。
Many publishers develop multiple language versions of their website (particularly in Spanish), which advertisers can specify in order to reach a particular language audience.
It is expected that web services can be dynamically and automatically discovered, composed, and invoked in a specific order to fulfill particular tasks.
You can utilize a scheduling module that runs policies at various intervals in order to conform to your particular maintenance window.
Similarly, if your requirements specification is merely a giant list in no particular order, you will not be able to use it.
Animators take liberty with color and space, among other qualities, in order to highlight a particular function or part of the cell.
They're a combination of theory and practice and aren't necessarily in any particular order.
This feature can be used to host compute-intensive or HPC-type applications inside a WPAR environment in order to confine certain processes to a particular set of processors.
Here you are asked to discuss a particular business problem in order to assess your problem solving skills.
Here you are asked to discuss a particular business problem in order to assess your problem solving skills.