In fact they can produce enough dry biological agent in a single month to kill thousands upon thousands of people.
The researchers studied the addresses of 30billion instant messages sent through the Microsoft network in a single month in 2006.
The Consumer price Index's 1% drop in a single month grabs headlines, but nine-tenths of that relates to falling food and energy prices.
Adjusting our pay per click and organic search engine optimization strategies increased our online traffic by nearly 100% in a single month.
But while stockmarkets were celebrating, the corporate-bond market saw 35 defaults, the largest number of non-payers in a single month since the Depression, according to Moody’s.
But while stock markets were celebrating, the corporate-bond market saw 35 defaults, the largest number of non-layers in a single month since the Depression, according to Moody's.
For example, in a single month, EMC Corporation announced an IPO for VMware, Citrix Systems announced plans to purchase XenSource, and new virtualization start-ups appeared out of nowhere.
As summer approaches, the news media carry reports of air-conditioning manufacturers' sales promotions, with hundreds of new systems being sold in a single day, thousands in a single month.
Unemployment in January jumped to a 16-year high of 7.6 percent, as 598,000 jobs were slashed from US payrolls in the worst single-month decline since December, 1974.
I wrote a column last month discussing whether runners should train with a coach - and not a single reader wrote in to ask how to find a coach.
This is how far the U.S. war effort in Iraq has wound down: There wasn't a single American airstrike in Iraq last month, according statistics from the U.S. air Force.
It wasn't until then that I noticed that he was soaked to the bone in dripping water and we had not a single drop of rain in a month or more.
Whether attached or single, all month Venus and Mars in Aries will be working hard to make this month a standout for love and fun.
15-16号,太阳和天王星间有电弧, 金星和火星处于白羊座,无论单身或有伴侣,都将使5月变得充满爱和乐趣。
There is an unusual group of four shootings all in Kabul, in barely more than a single month, October 2007.
Research published just last month shows that some 12, 800 years ago, the world plunged into a thousand-year deep freeze in a single year, with average temperatures crashing by 16C.
Standard Chartered customers who allow their account balances to fall below $10,000 on any single day in a month will pay a monthly charge of $100.
Closing at the end of the month, only need to draw a single line in the last business record, do not need to balance the balance once again.
For several hours in the early part of the day, New Orleans was battered by powerful squalls that threatened to dump four-month worth of normal rainfall in a single morning.
There is even a policy for single people where if they meet a partner within a month of placing their bet then they will be given 13.14 yuan, which symbolises lifetime in Chinese.
In the code used after 1955, each month is represented by a single letter in the sequence shown on the next chart.
Last month, Arking's group reported in the journal Circulation that it had found a single gene that raises the risk of cardiac death.
Last month, Arking's group reported in the journal Circulation that it had found a single gene that raises the risk of cardiac death.