Their minivan was in collision with an Army lorry.
Their minivan was in collision with an Army lorry.
The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.
Material and spiritual, extensive and delicate, interlaced and interpenetrating, they introject in collision with each other. Architecturalreforges romantic life for modem people.
The single electron detachment of negative ions in collision with atoms is known to be one of the most fundamental processes occurring in plasma physics, astrophysics, and ionospheric physics.
They were on their way to the airport when their van was involved in a collision with a car.
In the Philippines, a ferry carrying at least 400 people has sunk after an apparent collision with a cargo ship.
One problem with the collision hypothesis is the question of how a satellite formed in this way could have settled into the nearly circular orbit that the Moon has today.
With so much stuff in space, and a limited area around our planet, the government wants to reduce the chances of a collision.
However, the research found that automatic steering intervention is still a delicate issue in the industry because changing course opens up the possibility of vehicle collision with another obstacle.
The amber shows, similar to an old photo, what life looked like in India just before the collision with the Asian continent.
But with each collision, the photons slowly assumed the temperature of the pigment molecules, cooling one another to room temperature without being lost in the process.
This time, the two teenagers, riding a mini-motorbike without wearing crash helmets, were killed in a collision with a police car.
In January a vessel belonging to the sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a group that tries to disrupt Japanese whaling on the high seas, was badly damaged in a collision with a Japanese whaling ship.
In short, the two parties remain on a collision course, with the train wreck currently scheduled for April 8th.
If a Higgs were to be made in such a collision, the complexity of hadrons means that other particles would be created along with the boson.
It shares this with a number of smaller asteroids whose orbits suggest they were spalled off in the collision, and with about 5% of the meteorites which fall to Earth.
So, you might think I could just use this to model a collision with a body wrapped in bubbles now, right?
Nokia cut phone prices in late January, putting its cheapest smart phones on a collision course with mid-range phones from rivals Samsung and Sony Ericsson.
The exercise simulated a collision between a passenger ship carrying 390 people and a cargo vessel loaded with chemicals, resulting in a chemical leak.
Volvo also is working on autonomous cars and already offers, in its S60 sedan, sophisticated options such as pedestrian detection and collision warning, both with full automatic braking.
Ultimately, it results in a jarring collision with reality, and questions like, "Am I happy?"
I could tell it was in pain, and I wondered if the collision with the truck had wrenched its neck muscles.
"The safety board is on a collision course with the DOE," reckons Robert Alvarez, now at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, and formerly a DOE official who monitored Hanford.
These collisions with space debris can be minor–as in a shooting star on a summer night–or amazingly destructive, as in the collision that probably killed off the dinosaurs.
Scientists in Switzerland say they are "going where nobody has been before" after setting a high-power collision record with the Large Hadron Collider.
They will put him on a collision course with the international scientific community and Downing Street - which has allowed 54 GM crop trials in Britain since 2000.
They will put him on a collision course with the international scientific community and Downing Street - which has allowed 54 GM crop trials in Britain since 2000.