If it did, it would be in contradiction with the above baptism verses.
For this point, we have to say the JV regulations are in contradiction with the JV Law.
Such an undertaking appears to stand in contradiction with the graces of lowliness and humility.
In our country, shortage of land resource is in contradiction with people's chasing on better living condition.
As along as the related deductions are not in contradiction with experiments, the inductive conclusion remains valid.
This isn't in contradiction with my advice actually - it's learning that you can control bad situations by getting help from others.
When asked whether to give up dancing because of the work, Juanjuan laughed, "dance is not in contradiction with the future work."
Lispy judges this approach interesting and he argues that it is not necessarily in contradiction with what Kelly and Tolvanen suggest in their book.
We contradict ourselves, sometimes simply because our consciousness is in contradiction with our unconsciousness. Find out what we truly want is the key.
Because of limited frequency band of channel, spread spectrum and MFSK modulations can not resolve that high speed transmission is in contradiction with limited frequency band.
His ties with them also mark the biggest contradiction in Vanderbilt's life.
The "naked marriage" is in sharp contradiction with China`s established marriage customs, which encourage parents to help lay the material foundation for their children`s marriage.
In the process of getting along with others, the occurrence of difference and contradiction is inevitable.
Very few writers on the subject have explored this distinction — indeed, contradiction — which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.
Social psychologists studying cognitive dissonance are interested in the way we deal with two thoughts that contradict each other - and how we deal with this contradiction.
My art creation sometimes would fill with complicated emotions which subconsciously mingle with the happiness and worry in my life or represent my conflict and contradiction in an art form.
A new vibratory mixing plan with features that the mixing plate is in resonance when mixer works is presented to solve the contradiction between the vibratory intensity and mixer life.
This paper analyzes them from the contradiction of the subject and object and the comparison with the education in the other subjects and the feature of times.
With the impact of the financial crisis, the structural contradiction existing in the domestic chemical fertilizer industry becomes more pronounced.
Contradiction movement in cemented carbide has been analysed and discussed with viewpoint and method of contradiction in the paper.
Very few writers on the subject have explored this distinction-indeed, contradiction — which goes to the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom.
Centralization and decentralization are in constant contradiction with each other.
Living with the contradiction of being officials and being hermits, poets in Xinjin Dynasty expressed their spiritually attachment to official career and also longing for hermits' life in their poems.
Faith, by definition, defies evidence: it is untested and unshakeable, and is therefore in direct contradiction with science.
At present, China is confronted with the contradiction that industry structure should upgrade and labor force will increase in excessive scale.
But with the expansion of production scale, and the contradiction between food supply, in 2008 the global food crisis in question.
但随着生产规模的扩大,与粮食供应之间的矛盾加深,在 2008年的全球粮食危机中倍受质疑。
They handle the Grand Contradiction the same way they did when it first emerged back in toddlerhood, with power struggles, temper tantrums, or quiet sulking.
They handle the Grand Contradiction the same way they did when it first emerged back in toddlerhood, with power struggles, temper tantrums, or quiet sulking.