Pictures should be in focus, with realistic colours and well composed groups.
The criminal judicial system always comes up at the top of the list of voters' concerns in focus groups.
The man in focus is Norman Borlaug, the Father of the "Green Revolution", who died on September 12, 2009 at age 95.
The properties window in the IDE displays the properties for the object that is in focus.
The unfolding situation across the Middle East and North Africa will remain in focus next week.
Narrower in focus and more recent in time, these papers center on the issue of market response.
关注的范围相对狭窄、时间也距今较为接近,这些文章的重心在于市场反应(market response)问题。
Confusing changes in focus can happen when the user opens a new window on the top of the current one.
The concept is similar to the way consumer cameras now can automatically make sure faces are in focus.
I could be within a pretty short tolerance of having it be in focus by the time I had it to my eye.
Germany, like America in the 1940s, would resist this shift in focus. But perhaps Oprah would approve.
Take a boring photo with your 50mm f/1.8 prime wide open, with a small sliver of your subject in focus.
In photography this term is used to describe the quality of the areas in the picture which are not in focus.
The system includes five built-in focus traversal policies, the latter three of which are specific to swing.
This allows the SendKeys command (used later) to send synthetic X window events to the currently in focus window.
There was some confusion initially due to a change in focus of one JSR and a late game submission of the other.
In focus groups, Mr. Devoto says the minifilm got strong reactions when placed alongside traditional commercials.
Some were glad to hear of this continuity of path, while others expressed hope of a change in focus under Sun's ownership.
The left side was shot at f/22: The torch is in focus, and you can make out the tree and the house behind it. That's a large DOF.
I beg to differ: Nick Day, winner of the UK-based Accessibility in Focus award, got it right with his website English in Chester.
恕我不敢苟同:比如尼克·戴(NickDay),英国聚焦无障碍(Accessibilityin Focus)奖的获得者,他的网站English inChester的外观设计就非常出彩。
To borrow a term from the visual arts, Franzen's writing has an enviable depth of field: it keeps a great deal in focus simultaneously.
The right side, on the other hand, was shot at f/2.8: The torch is in focus, but the trees and the house are melted beyond recognition.
This is the distance (usually in mm.) from the lens (or primary mirror) to the point where the telescope is in focus (focal point).
Those projects also differ in focus: update of a fifteen-year-old printed form aggregation tool and an online learning management system.
The term Web 2.0 describes the shift in focus from static and singular media to dynamic, interactive community-oriented social media.
Web 2.0一词描述了媒体的转移,即从静态转移到动态,由单一转移到交互式和面向社区。
Portrait mode chooses a large aperture (a small 'f' number) which will make the depth of field (the amount of your shot in focus) smaller.
Other studies, however, found that such rapid shifts in focus, even if performed adeptly, result in less rigorous and "more automatic" thinking.
Use the techniques presented here to change your power Settings based on the application in focus, user activity, and general system performance.
Use the techniques presented here to change your power Settings based on the application in focus, user activity, and general system performance.