The system is in imminent danger of collapse.
Clearly, not everyone believes the railway is in imminent danger.
For a man in imminent danger of losing his job he appeared quite unruffled.
Swept along by the swift current, he was in imminent danger of going over he waterfall.
Swept along by the swift current, he was in imminent danger of going over the waterfall.
With Greece in imminent danger of running out of cash, a similar shift must urgently occur once again.
There is a wild zoo in the south coast of Huangpu River, where can see many animals are in imminent danger.
Those who knew his character thought the captive in imminent danger when he took his stand and poised the tomahawk.
And, indeed, the Banks that gained most from Paulson's gift are also the Banks that were in imminent danger of a run.
Several million have either lost their homes to foreclosure during the recession or are in imminent danger of losing them.
After being saved from kidnapping, you discover you're the daughter of the prime minister and your life is in imminent danger.
Inspiration origin: Our country is in imminent danger the rare and precious animal: Panda, Song Dynasty chinaware lotus flower modeling.
They can scarcely bring themselves to grasp that they, individually, and those whom they love are in imminent danger of perishing agonizingly.
Other species of large mammals in Vietnam are in imminent danger of extinction, because of deforestation and illegal trade in wild-animal parts.
In May, Guangdong province is going to issue a monetary punishing system to prevent the local residents from eating animals in imminent danger.
By one commonly used measure, the so-called Texas ratio of bad loans to total assets, 49 other Georgia Banks, about one in six, are in imminent danger.
Scientists project that in Asia and Africa alone the portion of wheat in imminent danger would leave one billion people without their primary food source.
Though more than 20 fires raged across Southern California into a sixth day, some 8,000 firefighters had brought most of them under control and no more homes were in imminent danger.
The only exception to this rule is where someone is in imminent danger of further injury which, in this case, could have been prevented by stopping what was relatively slow-moving traffic.
Even if Mr Burbage is too sanguine, the F-35 is in no imminent danger.
即使博比奇过于乐观,F - 35也并没有迫在眉睫的危险。
In the 1980s, the prophets of doom found another theme: the imminent danger of nuclear winter, the potential end of life on Earth resulting from a Soviet-American nuclear war.
The Congressthrough the War Powers Act provided the executive with an exception tounilaterally respond only when the nation was in actual or imminent danger; to“repel sudden attacks.”
Outrage, and sympathy for the intended victims, should in the meantime not distract attention from the grave and imminent danger facing Sri Lanka itself.
The IT infrastructure was in danger of imminent failure with no strategic vision as to where they were going.
该公司的IT 基础设施面临崩溃的危险,并且对于未来没有战略远景。
But they start with a bigger and more imminent danger than Mr Bush did eight years ago, and one made even harder by the deep hole the current recession has created in the budget.
This madman refused to avail himself of the messengers of mercy sent to him in that moment of imminent danger.
This madman refused to avail himself of the messengers of mercy sent to him in that moment of imminent danger.