How do you feel about pets staying in lodgings?
In lodgings, find out about fire detection and protection procedures; check for exits and smoke detectors.
Hendon's lodgings were in the little inn on the Bridge.
He took up lodgings at 4th, Clarence Baths in Devonport.
She had lodgings in a safe girls' hostel in the city.
We were married, you know, at St. Clement's, because Wickham's lodgings were in that parish.
The Herons, though an ordinary villa, stood in its own grounds, and was certainly the last place in which one would have expected to find lodgings, so private was its appearance.
He took up lodgings at 4 Clarence Baths in Devonport.
Other transgressors remain in office, including one who booked into a luxury hotel in South Africa and two others who misused their official lodgings.
Your attachment to substandard lodgings and scant tuition in Dover is clearly irrational.
With a great effort he managed to take the dust of my father's feet and then return to his lodgings in Chinsurah where he breathed his last a few days later.
Visitors looking for a place to stay usually find themselves directed here, as most of the temporary lodgings in the city are found in Midtown.
Then he noticed that his eyes were beginning to hurt him, and this ailment rapidly increased until, in the dark chambers of the lodgings he frequented, he did not attempt to read.
Aliens with permanent residence in China shall submit a report and go through the registration procedures if they wish to leave their lodgings and accommodate temporarily in other places.
Our country had not taken the apartment lodgings 'contract as one kind of typical contract in law of contract in 1999, and the related system then is at the flaw condition.
When he called at my lodgings in London.
One of the many Americans then in London, a Massachusetts Loyalist named Samuel Curwen, found the "mob" outside the door to the House of Lords too much to bear and returned to his lodgings.
One of the many Americans then in London, a Massachusetts Loyalist named Samuel Curwen, found the "mob" outside the door to the House of Lords too much to bear and returned to his lodgings.