Maybe I am a butterfly. In my dream, I became a man and my name was Zhuang Zhou.
As a photographer Im living in my dream land.
Sometimes I cry, I hope that I will be still in my dream and never wake up.
Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, "In my dream I was standing on the bank of the Nile
And I saw in my dream, and, behold, seven ears came up in one stalk, full and good.
For example, there's an amusement park in my dream world with some pretty cool rides.
You are in my thoughts every minute of the day, in my dream everyhour of the night.
You are in my thoughts every minute of the day, in my dream every hour of the night.
白天,每分每秒我都在想念你,夜晚,每时每刻我都在梦见你。 喷。
I attended the wedding of you in my dream, and the results into the bride's funeral.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for supporting me in my dream. If you have a dream, it is possible.
We can try, Tom; but I've seen such a beautiful country in my dream. I reckon we are going there.
My minds in a daze I can't believe what I've seen an angel took me to you last night in my dream.
So the chief cupbearer told Joseph his dream. He said to him, "in my dream I saw a vine in front of me."
Echo:maybe, it is quite strange, I was not somniloquous in my dream, it's really a big coincidence.
Michael:I can breathe I can bleed I can die i my sleep, so that you will always be there in my dream.
Just want to tell you: many years later, you are still long in my dream of an evergreen landscape tree!
Every time I see from your eyes smell the fragrance of heaven, holding you in my dream fly over the moon.
And in my dream Larry David replied, with great solemnity: “I don’t believe in God, but I do believe in Jews.”
Dull gray light, the familiar light of an overcast morning, took the place of the blinding sun in my dream.
My expectation is in the distance at the time you coming; you are my expectation in my dream after you leave.
"I felt so good that I played an active part in my dream and everything in it followed my thoughts," she said.
Gen 40:9 So the chief cupbearer told Joseph his dream. He said to him, "in my dream I saw a vine in front of me".
Since it was nighttime in my dream world, it was dark, so I did my “let there be light” thing, and the sun came up.
If you ask what the summer vacation in my dream is, I'll tell you traveling around the world is the only one dream I have.
If you ask what the summer vacation in my dream is, I'll tell you traveling around the world is the only one dream I have.