The qualifying competition is throwing up some intriguing results, and unstinting work is ongoing across Poland and Ukraine to ensure a memorable tournament in two summers' time.
In addition to using this model for explaining the scope of data architecture work, you can use it to build a map of the current state of knowledge, and the scope of ongoing or planned activities.
Finally, their ongoing work in tracking and managing the deployment and operational aspects of their solution has been outstanding.
The solution had to be secure, but business partners were not interested in a solution that required a great deal of work for them or that would require their ongoing effort to maintain the passwords.
In a sense, it was relatively new for us to have to work with the community right from the birth of the project but also on an ongoing basis.
Non project-based activities represent ongoing work needed to maintain operational systems in a steady state.
The details of how this is done are not important, as long as you find ways to revisit and refocus on a regular basis, to minimize distraction and dilution of effort in your ongoing work.
Process Server's versioning concept allows the introduction of a new application version while the old version is still in place and finishes the ongoing, long-running work.
Existing requirements, defect records, test plans, and test cases might be required in the future, either for ongoing work or reuse in Rational Quality Manager.
未来可能需要已存在的需求、缺陷记录、测试计划以及测试用例,或者需要继续处理,或者需要在Rational Quality Manager中重复使用。
Praise and thank God for His ongoing work in your lives.
Initiatives such as Nice's work in the area, and an ongoing House of Lord's inquiry on behaviour change indeed suggest that the topic is more than a blip in the media's summer silly season.
A soap opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on television or radio.
In this case Michael wanted fixes for version 1.0, ongoing work for 1.5 and new features being developed for 2.0.
Based on his published work and ongoing research, Viljoen estimates that between 70 and 80 per 1000 babies born in the Western Cape have the syndrome - the highest known incidence in the world.
"Daniel's work was an important contribution to our ongoing and in-depth coverage of the Philippines," he said in a statement.
LouisianaState University researchers are contributing to ongoing work aimed at reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released in the environment.
OBJECTIVE: To effectively implement the work of prescribing in drug generic name for the reference of ongoing and upcoming practice.
前言: 目的:有效推行药品通用名处方,为正在或将要开展药品通用名处方工作提供借鉴和参考。
Experiments are conducted at model and full scale and are often motivated by ongoing field work in developing countries.
And we're releasing a more detailed statement about U. S. support for the declaration and our ongoing work in Indian Country.
You see, the ongoing inspections of the work is displayed in red, the same day of the inspection, but is now off-line is displayed as blue, the same day inspections are not displayed as black.
While it is nice to work with the most recent tools, making a tool change for the sake of a tool change in an ongoing project of size is generally too risky.
These sites are part of the ongoing work of developing the attraction of National Tourist Routes in Norway.
Acknowledging the importance of the ongoing AP1000 projects in Sanmen and Haiyang, relevant companies of the two countries would work together for the early and safe operation of Unit 1 at Sanmen.
Acknowledging the importance of the ongoing AP1000 projects in Sanmen and Haiyang, relevant companies of the two countries would work together for the early and safe operation of Unit 1 at Sanmen.