In other word, we have reached the stage that environmental problems be solved for international view.
In other word, this is a movie full of philosophical thinking, or a movie about the state of modern human.
These factors will naturally stay in his mind, which can hardly be erased. In other word, they are imprints.
An identical word sign has, in different contexts, different references, or in other word, different concepts.
In other word, the distinctive cognitive style of social information processing of aggressive children should have their neurological bases.
In other word, the report consists of a table with as many rows as records in the dataset and as many columns as elements defined in the detail band.
In other word, a design pattern automatically classifies, describes and evaluates a significant and a repeating design in object-oriented systems.
If the participants of either party more than 10, the aggravated punishment, in other word, large number and scale as well as odious social effect, will be applied.
The result of the study indicates that when metal halide lamp is used in lighting, it make for the pupil shrink, in other word, it can make people focus on the target.
Now instead of the Empires we have the Multinational Corporations a kind of Supranational system that rules the WTO, in other word nothing changed from the ancient age.
There is in other words in Ricoeur's view a hermeneutics of suspicion, and "skepticism" or "suspicion" is a word that can also be appropriated perhaps more rigorously for philosophy as negativity.
In this paper, the flat capillary restrictor is lay in the deep recesses instead of outer space. in other word, the deep recesses ACTS as restrictor, and the shallow recesses throttles again.
The analysis results are that the design condition of hot gas conduit falls in the stability area, in other word, running at design condition, the flow induced large amplitude vibration doesn't exist.
In bullet point lines, capitalize the first word and no other words unless they normally appear capped.
It may be possible for you to get a system that does a lot of other things in addition to word processing.
Guujaaw replies to this, "We talk to each other, listen, visit, and believe in the spoken word."
Guujaaw 对此回应道:“我们互相交谈、倾听、拜访对方,并相信彼此所说的话。”
In a word just as Jules Vemne said, "Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real."
It includes four steps: seeing a word, getting back its meaning from your memory, connecting it to other words in the same sentence, and then moving on to the next word. This process uses many parts of the brain at one time.
The Method Sketch could be documented on a white board; in a word processor document, spreadsheet, or visual model; or using any other support.
W: you will be working with two other head brokers, in another word, you will be handling about a third of our clients.
Many researchers think word skills, memory and other mental functions crest in the early 20s, as the brain attains full maturity.
They were neglecting their other studies—every piece of word was handed in late. Classes were cut.
It's a language of the subconscious, and it allows us to connect to other people through our work in ways that the spoken word cannot.
The other type of tag is used when the word appearing in the index is not the same word that appears in the text.
This technique is good for fixing a typo or otherwise replacing a recurring word, phrase, or other string in a file or group of files.
Swype will auto capitalize the first word in a sentence like other keyboards.
The word Som means "pure" in Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uigur, Uzbek and many other Turkic languages. The word implies pure gold.
Each line in the file will contain a word and its synonyms separated by a space character or some other known token.
But then, while no one wants to think of extinction, the word is far less of an abstraction in Hawaii than in other places.
But then, while no one wants to think of extinction, the word is far less of an abstraction in Hawaii than in other places.