Astronomers got information about the planet by observing its effect on its star's light when it moved in front of the star from our point of view.
Applying data cleansing before the information is persisted allows for the incorporation of business-defined validation mechanisms at the point of entry, such as in data entry portals.
The Registry Platform seeks to bring participating registers together in a global network to provide a single point of access to the information stored in them.
Whether derived from address information, acquired by GPS devices, or otherwise generated, many databases contain geographic coordinates of point locations as separate numeric columns in a table.
Medical errors that cost dollars and lives are most often the result from the lack of the right information being available in the right form at the point of care.
The amount of information available at your fingertips at any point in time, even while mobile, is astounding.
Your custom code can invoke Message Broker utility functions to obtain information about message contents and the current point of execution in the message flow.
In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that information protection should be given due attention.
While these reports don't add much in terms of new data, they do present nice summary views of the verification point information.
In directed data mining, you are trying to predict a particular data point - the sales price of a house given information about other houses for sale in the neighborhood, for example.
You've also taken a quick look at how you can use the information that will be stored in the database to get statistical information—surely the point of a survey application.
My usual journalistic role is to expose wrongdoing, point with alarm, and distill complicated information into clear explanations of what's really going on in the world.
The worrying thing is that if this information ever got to a point where it is believable, insurance companies would start requiring it in terms of insuring people.
But the more thoughtful critics of citizen media aren't wrong about their main point: All information isn't equal, not in quality or reliability.
Version information will be expressed in major Numbers displayed left of the decimal point and minor version Numbers displayed to the right of the decimal point (e.g., "1.0").
Either too much information is gathered in a way that makes it difficult to wade through a flood of data, or not enough crucial information is gathered at the point where it is needed most.
For example, developer Controls process recognizes the centrality of the developer in the development of a feature and urges you to make the developer the focal point of process information.
The key point here is that business information should not be carried in SOAP headers; this should be carried in the body (or payload) of the message.
这里的关键点在于,不应在SOAPHeader 中传递业务信息,而应将其放入消息主体(或有效负载)中。
Requesting the Root of the API returns a listing of URLs which point perhaps to each collection of information, and describing each collection in a way which the Consumer can understand.
From the Point of view of psychology, reading psychology and information transmission theory, this Paper reveals the significance of fast reading training in English.
But when it is added to and integrated with other information on other sites, and when derivatives can be created in a number of dimensions, this concept of actionable data reaches the tipping point.
一旦它与其它网站上的信息进行整合,并且可以同步不同方式对其进行演绎,可行动数据(actionable data)的概念将会实现质的飞跃。
From a technological point of view, the market will be influenced by the convergence of product lifecycle, manufacturing and enterprise information technologies in many segments.
All of this information gives scientists a picture of what the surface layer of dirt looks like now and whether or not it might have been a habitable area at some point in the planet's past.
Transcription is the first major step in gene expression, and constitutes an important point of genetic information flow.
Papers should not simply distill information from other secondary studies since the point of this exercise is to give students experience in doing first-hand historical research.
From different perspectives and point of views, researchers have analyzed individual differences and characteristics of learners in perceiving and processing information.
At this point in the game, the key piece of information the establishment wants to garner is timing.
With the quick development of information technology, electronic commerce is gaining more and more attention worldwide and has become the new increasing point of economy in the 21 century.
Finally, on the basis of the above-mentioned study, the thesis puts forward five-point strategy to cultivate the learner's information literacy in network environment.
Finally, on the basis of the above-mentioned study, the thesis puts forward five-point strategy to cultivate the learner's information literacy in network environment.