Students in possession of good time-management skills are more likely to perform well in universities.
All customers travelling on TransLink services must be in possession of a valid ticket before boarding.
Sociopaths in possession of fully-functioning neocortexes are often shrewd and emotionally intelligent people but lack any ability to relate to, empathise with or express concern for others.
His table being small, and not suitable for the barricade, he had been left in possession of it.
After a traffic stop, I'd been discovered in possession of some three dozen rubber traffic cones.
Why would the Swiss be in possession of this information, and why would they put it on their franc?
Among the stocks I'd bought was Molycorp, the only U.S. company in possession of a genuine rare earth mine.
It is universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
"Now, my excellent friend," said my companion, "you are in possession of all you need to follow my argument."
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a writer in possession of a good idea must be in want of a voice.
While in possession of the lease item, the lessee shall perform the obligations of maintenance and repair thereof.
The Discloser is in possession of certain valuable information that it wishes to remain secret and confidential.
It is a truthuniversally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortunemust be in want of a wife.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Are you in possession of any information about the constitution of implants that have been recovered from abductees?
Revenge or not, Jevtic is in possession of a deadly virus, and I would very much like to know what he intends to do with it.
But it said that the United States attorney's office in Tucson was in possession of the specifics related to the investigation.
All in all, with what I had won, I found myself in possession of twelve thousand francs which seemed an inexhaustible capital to me.
Liquor, as the spokesman of traditional elite culture, was in possession of abundant cultural resources and distinct cultural charm.
As a result, more and more fashion brands - especially those in possession of a good handbag reputation - are giving it their full attention.
Besides good basic language skills, they should also be in possession of abundant extra-linguistic knowledge in order to help communication.
Also interesting: the story seems to find Snow White already in possession of the throne, rather than fated to receive it as a reward for her virtue.
I am always already in possession of an interpretation of whatever object I look at, which isn't at all to say that my interpretation is correct.
But here's the odd thing: Although money in itself arouses many emotions, including admiration, we tend to despise the people in possession of it.
They may also have access to the blueprints of the vertibirds, because there were copies at Navarro and in possession of the Brotherhood of Steel.
Is the Supplier in possession of all relevant Standards / Specifications applicable to their type of business (e. g. Welding, Plating standards, etc.
These services are meant to be used by other internal customers (an internal customer is assumed to be in possession of a user account in the user registry).
These services are meant to be used by other internal customers (an internal customer is assumed to be in possession of a user account in the user registry).