The unifying theme of this course is best captured by the title of our main reference book: 'Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics'.
The style used by the authors in this reference book (for lack of a better description) greatly increases the clarity of the book itself.
In my opinion, the knowledge acquired from travel, as you will find in your life, is more valuable than that from any influential reference book.
First published in 1783, this reference book by the American man of letters Noah Webster remained a bestseller in the U.S. throughout the 19th century.
As he states in the Preface and first chapter, this is not a definitive reference for any of these areas, each of which merits its own book.
The style used by the authors in this reference book (for lack of abetter description) greatly increases the clarity of the book itself.
2:The professor threw us a curve: half of the questions were from the reference book he asked us to read but we never did since he didn't cover the book in class.
Instead of simply assigning its internal Book reference to the specified Book (which would be accomplished using the code that is commented out in Listing 3), it USES an AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.
Reference guides, in contrast, focus mainly on important technologies; Booch's reference book on UML is one example.
That's changed a bit in the last few months -- now the book in arm's reach is the second edition of Python Essential Reference.
最近几个月情况有一点变化 ―现在我放在手边的书是PythonEssential Reference 的 第 2版。
(p. 20-21) the book Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics, and Culture in Everyday Life is an interesting reference for this viewpoint.
20 - 21《CognitioninPractice:Mind,Mathematics,andCulture inEveryday Life》在实践中认知:心智、数学和日常生活的文化是关于这个观点的一本有趣的参考书。
If you are part of a process improvement effort, I expect you will use it as I do, as a reminder and guide — in fact as a comprehensive reference book for CMMI.
Currently in its sixth edition, this book has weathered the test of time and has become a standard reference in software engineering.
It's a wonderful book and should be a standard reference volume in your nutrition library.
In addition to providing a fast-paced yet sufficient introduction to the technology, the book works well as a reference, and I find myself returning to it often.
When he read a reference to himself in the book it was then that he realized that he had never been forgotten.
Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans: This book has been a great reference to the software development community since it was released in 2004.
《领域驱动设计(Domain - Driven Design)》,作者EricEvans:自从该书在2004年面世以来,它已经成为了软件开发社区的一个极好的参考书。
We should use the reference book in the right way, there is not only one answer, we can create more answers.
If you need the art-history meaning of "picturesque," you could find it in the Book of Answers, compiled two decades ago by the New York Public Library's reference desk, but you won't.
Many textbooks have derivations of the equations of motion. We list some below. The discussion in Reference 3 (indeed the whole book) is very clear.
The book is a reference volume including a large body of new empirical work but also principal theoretical viewpoints of leading research groups in the field.
The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.
These volumes would be a perfect reference for someone writing a genuinely well-researched book on any aspect of this subject (there are already plenty of badly researched books in print).
Estimated in 2015 before, you can like DIY PC, DIY robot, DIY Manager robot, and from China Redrobot Labs. might not buy a screws, or purchase a reference book.
The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.
Japan and Canada's Chinese Dictionary, in the function word to explain the usage and meaning, the reference to the book in many places.
It is a highly required reference book for designers , constructors , users , manufactueres , dealers and all relevant people in this field.
It is a highly required reference book for designers , constructors , users , manufactueres , dealers and all relevant people in this field.