It comes out with the formula of loading identify in restraint system with the SWAT method.
Some of these poems were so wanting in restraint both of thought and language that I could not bear the idea of their being written by a woman.
Whereas, the existing automatic straightener which is gate type or C type can only straighten micromidi shafts in restraint of the length of work top.
If Anakin felt his time as a Padawan was a trying exercise in restraint, the Clone Wars would prove to be an ever greater challenge that would mold his character.
Two-and-a-half years later, researchers retested them and found that nearly 75 percent of those who had scored high in restraint the first time around still did, while 25 percent did not.
He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.
She trimmed back my flowery language, drew lines through my exclamation marks and argued for the value of restraint in expression.
In situations like that, you think longingly of the air rage "restraint kit"—handcuffs and strong plastic tape—carried on every plane in case of emergency.
The trauma of partition ensured that relations with Pakistan would long be dreadful, and India has shown admirable restraint in the face of bloody provocations from across the border.
Human emotion is only one of the ingredients of literature and not its end, — which is the beauty of perfect fulness consisting in simplicity and restraint.
人类的情感,只是文学的诸多因素之一,但不是它的目的- - -文学的目的是,存在于简单与限制之中极度充实的美。
But we do have to ask this question: we have to ask whether extremists who have killed innocent civilians in New York and in Moscow will show that same restraint.
In Europe, although wage restraint has kept costs down and employment up, especially in Germany, it has also kept consumer spending down.
The nuclear deal gives it extra clout with India, which it should lean on to show restraint in and flexibility on Kashmir.
"He shows love without restraint, and in that sense he may appear to be an alien because he is unlike a Japanese," she added.
In situations like that, you think longingly of the air rage "restraint kit" - handcuffs and strong plastic tape - carried on every plane in case of emergency.
The solution doesn't lie in puritanical self-restraint or in a defensive insistence that there's nothing wrong.
The 2010 budget, unveiled on February 9th, involves a spending increase and a deficit, but it came wrapped up in promises of restraint and future balanced budgets.
However, when it came to protecting business interests, he threw judicial restraint out the window in favor of activism.
I opposed the war in Iraq precisely because I believe that we must exercise restraint in the use of military force, and always consider the long-term consequences of our actions.
If you have a restraint in your spirit, wait until all is clear, and do not go against it.
And my analogy is that it's similar to people who would like to prevent any slander or any bad comments in newspapers. They have prior restraint.
In the name of refinement restraint was more evident than ever before.
Surely, it takes much more restraint-and far more faith in one's readers-to place the full heft of a book in the bumbling hands of an unreliable first person.
The lavish 17th-century castle Nijo-jo is proof that not everything in Japan is about restraint.
The lavish 17th-century castle Nijo-jo is proof that not everything in Japan is about restraint.