He told me in so many words that real men didn't use stops.
In so many words, they explained that I have to do well in school, and go to college.
The wonder of Frost is really in his tone, his way of saying things without saying them in so many words.
The teacher didn't tell her students that in so many words, but obviously something about her attitude convinced them.
Yes, in so many words; and it must BE so, for the abb knows correctly the amount of all the largest fortunes in Europe.
Let us suppose that you are fortunate and can describe to your own satisfaction in so many words the exact meaning of your chosen theme.
Let us suppose that you are fortunate and can DE scribe to your own satisfaction in so many words the exact meaning of your chosen theme.
This response won't be in so many words, but it will signal something like this:"I know I just met you, but I like you so I will trust you with my attention."
"Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness," said Keats, not actually picking out celery in so many words, but plainly including it in the general blessings of the autumn.
“Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,” said Keats, not actually picking out celery in so many words, but plainly including it in the general blessings of the autumn.
Now, perhaps, the reader will know better what I mean when I say that music does have an expressive meaning but that we cannot say in so many words what that meaning is.
In so many words, she explained that, yes, she could have followed the same commissioned works everyone else makes, but she chose instead to create her own, original, art.
She didn't say it in so many words, but in the way she stood in the kitchen or in the open double doors, or walked from room to room, inspected my father's books and sat with me at dinner.
To be fair to Ellison, the words "cloud computing" have been hyped so often in so many different contexts it does have the ephemeral air of a passing fashion.
For much the same reason that so many of our words have Latin roots, the word "mile" was used for a unit of distance in many languages throughout Europe.
So in a 4 page novel how many words would you expect to find ending in "ing" and in 4 pages of a novel how many words would you expect to find that include the letter "n"?
We heard everything Orlando had to say about us in the offseason. There’s only so many words to be said.
Many Serbs live in this area so it is a problem both for Serbs and Albanians, in other words, for ordinary people.
At home in China I work in advertising and many of the words we use are English, so I want to understand English better because that will help my job.
In other words, they beat the odds. It is often possible to understand why a marriage fails, as so many do.
So, if you want to estimate how many grammatical sentences under twenty words in English, the answer is, "a lot."
I believe that cold winter, if not met you, my life may not have so many ups and downs, won't have so many complicated and difficult words of mood in my heart wound, entangled, even confused me.
So although I never heard the words "I love you" from my parents, I always felt loved because they told me in ways that speak much louder than words. I think many other Chinese feel the same way.
Many English words are also of Latin origin, and so when you learn vocabulary in Spanish you will simultaneously be expanding your English vocabulary.
Many English words are also of Latin origin, and so when you learn vocabulary in Spanish you will simultaneously be expanding your English vocabulary.