Reports from Afghanistan say militants use the area in special circumstances.
Still other signals are transmitted from the operating system to processes in special circumstances.
In special circumstances containers may be fumigated and shipped under gas without ventilation.
In special circumstances containers may be fumigated and shipped under gas without ventilation.
The IRS has also been known to waive underpayment penalties for people in special circumstances.
The user may never realize that the cache is between the client and server except in special circumstances.
So, it is essential to preserve anonymity (in special circumstances), even if we discourage it, while simultaneously improving trust.
Pattern matching is also useful for the design problem where you need to get at data inside an object, but only in special circumstances.
Except in special circumstances, higher leading bodies should not interfere with matters that ought to be handled by lower organizations.
Fungi in special circumstances become "parasites" by attacking living tissue of the host species, causing the death of these individuals.
Asked whether electric shock therapy would be used, the employee said it should be called "pulse therapy" and was only used in special circumstances.
Investigations shall, except in special circumstances, be concluded within one year, and in no case more than 18 months, after their initiation.
Voting does not generally lead to the efficient provision of the public good, and does so only in special circumstances, like agreement of preferences.
The salary is generally including time rate wage, piece rate wage, bonus, subsidy, allowance and overtime pay, and the salary paid in special circumstances.
Twenty-third will be an executive director of the general six months to convene a meeting in special circumstances may also have recourse to means of communication to convene.
Newborns in special circumstances, such as low-birth-weight babies, babies born to HIV-positive mothers, or sick babies, require additional care and should be referred to a hospital.
Other shares shall be issued at par unless the Board of Governors by a special Majority vote as provided in Article 28 decides in special circumstances to issue them on other terms.
In special circumstances, where necessary for the public interest, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise may be expropriated in accordance with legal procedures, and appropriate compensation paid.
Intuition's special powers are unleashed only in certain circumstances.
In fact, it is seen only under special circumstances such as using a special naming convention to mark methods for internal consumption.
Many other "outliers" in achievement in many other fields likewise came from special backgrounds or special circumstances.
While I do admit that I had a lot of luck in this story, there's certainly nothing special about my circumstances.
An editorial in JAMA says some implants outside the guidelines are OK - maybe around six percent - because of patients' special circumstances.
Families in difficult circumstances require special attention and practical support to be able to feed their children adequately.
In other words, if there are no special circumstances, as in the same amount of time each working day, doing the same or similar nature of work.
Since age and size at the smallest class, but also because his father's special circumstances, juvenile always in class, and dared not speak loud, dare not to watch people's eyes open.
Under special circumstances, allow the horse to be taken emergency treatment in the designated unload area.
In case of special circumstances, the time period may be appropriately extended upon the approval by the SDA.
In case of special circumstances, the time period may be appropriately extended upon the approval by the SDA.