Offspring of these fish would likely behave like their parents and feed and live in the same area, keeping them separate from the original population.
Tom spent five months exploring the most remote area, with half of its population living in its capital, Cayenne.
There are large number of skills in this country, which we cannot fill from, within the indigenous population, or the European Economic Area.
However, due to a considerable variation in land area, 1 population density and climatic, geological and topographical conditions, the extent of forest cover differs greatly among the island states.
This is probably because of the smaller geographical area in Holland and smaller population.
Control villages resembling project villages in terms of population size were randomly selected from an area enclosed by two ellipses centred around, but not including, the project area.
Malta is the smallest EU country in terms of both population and area.
The recent CERS survey focused on rural roads because crashes in those areas have such a high fatality rate despite the fact that only about 20 percent of the population lives in a rural area.
The area is as poor as it gets even in Cambodia, where more than one-third of the population lives on less than 60 cents a day.
Seasonal factors, with a particularly heavy rainy season, along with increased population movements in the area contribute to this unusually high incidence of cholera.
Spring Hill is a small community in the Tampa metro area with a big population of senior citizens and many hospitals and businesses that cater to them.
Seasonal factors, such as the rainy season, along with population movements in the area contribute to this unusually high incidence of cholera.
Most of the area, population, and industrial production of the Soviet Union, then one of the world "s two superpowers, lay in Russia."
Located on the eastern shore of Taihu Lake, just 18 kilometers (11 miles) from Suzhou City, Tongli town is 63 square kilometers (24 square miles) in area and has a population of over 33 thousand.
The area around Los Angeles was once too dry to sustain the population of a huge city. But infrastructure was built that allowed water to be pumped in from east of the region.
Most of the population is concentrated in three mountain chains, and much of the flatter area is clothed in jungle.
The intermediante level of education of rural-urban black migrants has seved to lower the average level of education in both the black population of origin and the area of destination.
The city's unmarried now constitute 21.4 percent of the total population over the age of 15, with the percentage growing to 24.3 in the downtown area.
For the first time in history, more than 50% of the world's population lives in an urban area.
To accommodate the rapid influx of population, city council plans to encourage high density housing in its town centre area which lies between Blundell and Bridgeport on both sides of No. 3 Road.
Ni : Average population density in area i. To simplify the analysis, Earth’s surface is divided into a grid of squares i, and the distribution is assumed to be uniform in each.
About 24 million people live in the five regions struck by Cyclone Nargis. The Irrawaddy Delta River area is the worst hit, with up to 95 percent of the population affected.
This province covers an area of 485, 000 kilometers (187, 000 miles) and boasts the largest population in China, with 87 million people.
四川省面积达485 000平方公里(187 000平方英里),拥有8700万人口,是全国人口最多的省份。
This seems all the more remarkable when compared with the United States - many times the area of these three countries - which increased its population by only 109 million in that same period.
BaLi (BaLi) Indonesia is a popular tourist region, is small east Java in the Sunda Islands, is an island with an area of about more than 5560 km2, a population of about 2.8 million.
Employment in the metro area has risen by about 84,000 over the past year-roughly 6% of America's job growth, in a region with just 2% of its population.
Even though the city’s per capita park area is some 16 square meters, two-thirds of the green space available to the population is on the outskirts -in those mountains.
Even though the city’s per capita park area is some 16 square meters, two-thirds of the green space available to the population is on the outskirts -in those mountains.