Henry Ford was a pioneer in the auto industry.
Alexander used to make a good living working in the auto industry, but that was two years ago.
Assuming it can develop a commercially viable product, what is Google's future in the auto industry?
Do you agree "Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax" increased will have negative impact in the auto industry?
Many in the auto industry have said they will be watching how American buyers respond to Chinese-built Envisions.
Probably the winners in the auto industry of 2020 will include some combination of domestic and multinational companies.
In the previous example you can see that all of the databases in the auto industry will be grouped in the auto databases folder.
The country is years behind its competitors in the auto industry as a whole, but when it comes to green technology, everyone is starting from scratch.
One target area for the new fund will be technology-intensive companies in the auto industry, the environmental and clean energy sector, and in aerospace.
This process is used in a variety of projects, from large-scale defense and communications projects to embedded software projects in the auto industry.
It is what people in the auto industry call a classic two-box design, with the bigger box holding the passengers and a smaller one in front for the engine.
It's a big risk. Technology moves slowly in the auto industry. Today's internal combustion engines are not radically different than those of 100 years ago.
He defends the Miyagi plan, saying that technological changes in the auto industry, such as a potential shift to electric cars, will provide opportunities for Miyagi.
Not one of the models to be unveiled at the Shanghai auto show, which starts on Monday, has drawn more discussion in the auto industry than Porsche's entry, the Panamera.
In fact when I look back on my thirty-eight years in the auto industry, the day I remember most vividly has nothing at all to do with new cars and promotions and profits.
Look at what has happened in the auto industry recently in terms of higher warranty costs and even recalls of entire product lines, simply because the integration work was not done correctly.
Which perhaps illustrates another part of Honda's problem: Ask 100 people in the auto industry who is the President and CEO of Honda, and the response from 99 of them will be a blank stare.
GM's once-thriving Daewoo Motor Sales Corp. operation in South Korea and its businesses in Russia and Latin America have fallen on hard times because of a global downturn in the auto industry.
鉴于全球汽车业的低迷,通用汽车旗下曾经生机勃勃的韩国大宇汽车销售公司(Daewoo Motor SalesCorp .)以及俄罗斯和拉美业务均陷入了困境。
That's why we chose to pull the auto industry back from the brink, saving hundreds of thousands of jobs in the process.
Auto executives and industry analysts say that the market will continue to expand in 2011.
"BYD is a key player in the world market," says Duan Chengwu, an auto industry analyst with Global Insight, based in Shanghai.
From the auto industry to the financial sector (and several others in between), fortunes have shifted for a lot of workers, who are left wondering if they'll still have a job in the next six months.
In those days there was something else in the air: the excitement spawned by a burgeoning auto industry.
The PGMS are being said to have good fundamentals due to continued improvement in the auto sector and an industry analyst commented this morning that Platinum should test recent highs again soon.
The result is a capital-spending spree so large, and resulting new manufacturing capacity so great, that it could be the cause of the next collapse and shakeout in the global auto industry.
The result is a capital-spending spree so large, and resulting new manufacturing capacity so great, that it could be the cause of the next collapse and shakeout in the global auto industry.