In fact the moment in the deep night is just when you are most conscious, but such statement is the source of pain!
Came out from the church, I walked along the street in the deep night in Beijing, looking the houses and lights, where is God?
A cloudless, deep-blue sky looked down on them, for the wind had driven away every little cloud in the night.
Far away in the hills, candles and lanterns burn as the children read borrowed books deep into their night, too.
Some cities deep in the Chinese mainland resemble San Francisco, with sparkling night lights on high-rise buildings.
The Amondawa people who live deep in the Amazonian rainforests of Brazil have no watches or calendars and live their lives to the patterns of day and night and the rainy and dry seasons.
Or that time in the deep Ozarks when someone spent several hours intermittently knocking on my door in the dead of night.
By night they roost in the gently flowing shallows of the Platte, shin-deep in cool water, or else on sandbars, giving them warning against any predator that might come splashing out.
A man walking in the night slipped from a rock afraid that he would fall down thousands of feet, because he knew that place was a very deep valley.
After a relaxing night of camping in the deep woods, you return to your car to find that it will not start. The battery is dead.
It measures both your deep and REM sleep, how many times you're woken up in the night and then wakes you up at the appropriate time.
For years on end Mr Van der Meer made a study of the statistical properties of the motion of particles in accelerators: sometimes late into the night, and sometimes lost in deep reflection.
At that night, I dreamed of innumerous stars shining in the sky, yet only two of them were companions. They had deep emotions to each other and were willing to spend their lives together for ever.
Xiao Yu, the driver got from somewhere a few cans of Coke, so we collected all the water in all for the night, when we came to realize how one feels at "Shang Gan Ling or deep in the desert.
But where Silver stood with his lieutenant, all was still in shadow, and they waded knee-deep in a low white vapour that had crawled during the night out of the morass.
However, the new drug, Xyrem puts Claire into a deep sleep for three-and-a-half hours so she must take a second dose in the middle of the night to get a full seven hours sleep.
Gradually disappearing in the deep of the night bell, the moon through the trees, where sleeping in the rain disappeared.
Dark night to become deep lonely, lonely in the night of sublimation, the interpretation of the black beauty of the stars of the night, I am still myself.
If you were to consciously turn off your mind-that is, put it to rest as you do in deep sleep every night-the world would vanish.
Bless you, in this quiet night to receive my warm wishes! To my deep greetings, let my cry the day you wish to wash away tiredness, a night with you into the dream!
Blesss you, in this quiet night to receive my warm wishes! To my deep greetings, let my cry the day you wish to wash away tiredness, a night with you into the dream!
"A few stars, twinkling faintly in the deep blue of the night sky" (Hugh Walpole).
After a restful night lulled by the gentle rocking of the train, you l wake to see the deep green countryside of northeastern Thailand rolling past in dawn's early light.
In a fluider world that faces different dangers is there somewhere a new Kennan drafting a very longe-mail deep into the night?
Candles: Bringing light in the deep winter night candles are also essential for the atmosphere of Christmas dinner.
Candles: Bringing light in the deep winter night candles are also essential for the atmosphere of Christmas dinner.