What is the most common use of land in the eastern region of the United States?
In the eastern region, the economy is flourishing but power resources are short.
This paper gives the magnetotelluric sounding results in the eastern region of the He-Xi Corridor.
Some villages in the eastern region Incompatible infrastructure, increasing pollution and ecological deterioration.
SANA says Assad has also formed a panel to "solve the problem of the 1962 census" in the eastern region of al-Hasakah.
The concept of Asian Games Village real estate market in the eastern region of the existing concept of support enormous.
The real estate development has a more and more obvious influence over economic growth later on 2001, especially in the eastern region.
This article reports the results of the investigations on the wild Elaeagnus plant resources in the Eastern Region of Guangdong Province.
The colleges and universities in the eastern region should intensify efforts to provide academic support and human resources to the western region.
Given the market opportunities in the Eastern region, Tom and his team will have the most-aggressive growth targets - 15% for the airline, hotel, and car rental markets combined.
In the eastern region, the soil erosion which resulted from exploitation and construction should be controled (energetically), and high-class synthetical management should be carried out.
Protests appear to have erupted all across the sparsely populated nation of 6m people, but most intensely in the eastern region of Cyrenaica, which has a history of resistance to Mr Qadhafi.
The sources of energy in our country are very uneven: the eastern region is electricity-intensive area. The main power sources used in the eastern region are transmitted form the western area.
On an empty area in the eastern region of Wushan town, the warmth of the rays of the morning sun passed through the surrounding trees, leaving behind scattered spots of light on the empty ground.
As the largest former eastern bloc country, its clear view may also have an impact on others in the region.
"This achievement is a tribute to the hard work and commitment of countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region to combat measles" said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.
The man in the newly released video is identified as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, who blew himself up inside a key U.S base in an eastern Afghan region bordering Pakistan.
出现在最新发布的录像中的那名男子被确认为胡马姆.哈利勒.阿布-穆拉勒.巴拉维。 他在阿富汗东部与巴基斯坦接壤地区的一个主要美军基地引爆了身上的炸弹。
The BBC's Jon Leyne, in eastern Libya, says the region appears to be wholly under opposition control and people are deliriously happy.
In much of eastern Europe it started dropping in the 1980s in response to the upheaval in the region, and despite a subsequent slight recovery it has still not regained the level of the 1960s.
The deal brought a presence in Germany but also bolstered UniCredit's heft in eastern Europe, making it the bank with the largest presence in the region.
The eastern leg, along the Grand canal, was supposed to be easiest to finish, but pollution in this heavily industrialised region is so great that water treatment is prohibitively expensive.
Like others in eastern Europe, the Poles think the problem has been caused by richer countries. But as the biggest EU member in the region, they need an energy policy, too.
HIV is spreading fastest in eastern Europe and Ukraine has one of the largest burdens of HIV in the region.
The significant decline in measles deaths in the Eastern Mediterranean region was the result of intensified vaccination campaigns including several countries with hard-to-reach areas.
Only 25% of the original habitats in the region remain intact and 163 species that live in the Eastern Himalayas are considered globally threatened.
In 1984-85 famine ravaged the Karamoja region of eastern Uganda, which shares the same dryland climate as Somalia and Ethiopia.
在1984- 85年饥荒肆虐乌干达东部的卡拉莫贾地区,乌干达与索马里和埃塞俄比亚同属干旱地区气候。
Remarkable progress in Eastern and Southern Africa, the region most severely affected by HIV, offers hope.
Remarkable progress in Eastern and Southern Africa, the region most severely affected by HIV, offers hope.