Even while in the grasp of a ferocious monster like me, he does not tremble with fear.
We are in the process of interaction with customers, has been firmly in the grasp of this sentence!
Especially in the grasp of law and policy, or good sense, he engaged in administrative law enforcement for many years.
In the grasp of the International Space Station's Canadarm2 robotic arm, the Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module is placed back in Discovery's payload bay.
In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.
In order to have a good grasp of a culture, learning its language is the best way.
It's a difference, or differance, that comes into being precisely in writing, and it's only in writing that we suddenly grasp the twofold nature of differance as difference and deferral.
The examples so far -- counter and stack -- are very simple nonblocking algorithms and are easy to follow once you grasp the pattern of using CAS in a loop.
This chapter from the visual, auditory differences, the length of the three different aspects of the text in two languages to grasp the "statement" this level of distinction.
Yet my experience tells me that, when they are told the story in a way they can grasp, children are capable of understanding the message of Easter.
My views are near to those of Spinoza: admiration for the beauty of and belief in the logical simplicity of the order and harmony which we can grasp humbly and only imperfectly.
Although there's a great deal written about creativity, collaboration is the easier of the two ideas to grasp, because we know more about it in the context of software development.
If kids can use parallelism in their early efforts, they will be able to grasp some of the more difficult concepts of robotics later.
"We are witnessing the slow death of commercial radio in this country due to a number of factors, [including] the complete failure to grasp the digital nettle," he said.
"With all the advances in restroom hygiene, it's hard to grasp why the door handle has been so universally ignored," declares a maker of such products.
Many reports and comments in the Western media, however, fail to grasp the basic facts and concepts of a nation such as China.
Another thing that I really couldn't grasp is the lack of HTML tag support in text fields.
I am precisely as I understand it not that, not the other; and I grasp myself perhaps in ways that deepen my alleged understanding of myself as a result of this negative process.
Of the three frameworks in the series, modularity should be the simplest to grasp and master.
Power is not won simply by revolt: it is won, and secured, by those interested in the exercise of power, prepared to grasp and hold it.
But I was too young at the time to fully grasp the nature of those changes, too removed-living as I did in Hawaii and indonesia-to see the fallout on America's psyche.
Even today in Mexico Moctezuma is reviled for failing to grasp the scale of the danger, and to eliminate the intruders immediately, as he almost certainly could have done.
In order to understand NLP, you really need to have a basic grasp of the theory behind Gestalt therapy. Gestalt works on the assumption that people fill in information gaps.
A traditional method of greeting, especially in the country side, is for the younger person to hold their arms out, palm up, and grasp the older person just in front of the elbow.
Just as some of the youth in Japan attempt to appropriate parts of American culture, I too (and I'm sure there are others!) tried to grasp at the allure of this foreign aesthetic and make it my own.
Others don't grasp the gravity of a situation or respond in a timely manner to your requests for assistance or information, for example.
I have focused on this concept because I've found that many people fail to grasp the ultimate flexibility of sequence diagrams, and become polarized in their perception and use of the form.
As a microcosm of the ocean—the nursery of all life including ourown—the intertidal zone serves as another galaxy in the universe, one easilywithin our grasp.
As a microcosm of the ocean—the nursery of all life including ourown—the intertidal zone serves as another galaxy in the universe, one easilywithin our grasp.