He set up pyramids of plates to crash when people passed them, and rigged a mirror in a hat shop so that, when each matron posed simperingly before it, the glass cracked from side to side.
Anthea tried to buy a very nice hat, but the woman in the shop looked very strangely, first at the gold COINS, then at Anthea.
A young man in a tailcoat and wearing a high hat was standing in the front of a shop.
You have to bring your own ski gloves and hat or have to purchase in the shop.
When he walked past a hat shop, he made up his mind to go in and buy the tallest hat in the shop.
You have to bring your own ski gloves and hat or have to purchase in the shop.
Chanel left the convent school at age 20. She met Arthur Capel who later financed to open up her own hat and dress shop in Paris.
When the shopkeeper gave him the tallest hat in the shop and got his money, he said : "Thank you."
When the shopkeeper gave him the tallest hat in the shop and got his money, he said : "Thank you."