Club membership has also fallen from 100 to 20 in the last six months.
India's benchmark stock indexes have more than doubled in the last six months.
Q11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress.
It is disturbing that there has been an increase in crime in the last six months.
Ginny currently has has 51 employees, six of which have been added in the last six months.
If all above things happened to you in the last six months, will you choose to leave as I?
Later that day in 2007, I met 20 Congolese women who had returned from refugee camps in the last six months.
If you’re unsure of whether you’ll need something later, put it to a test: have you used it in the last six months?
But I'm happy to be playing and scoring for the fans once again. I was really missing that in the last six months.
"I think we have a good team and we have improved a lot in the last six months," Mancini said, according to the Sun.
She estimates that she has helped 200 people in the last six months, not all of them homeless or lacking basic needs.
A new study of 235 universities found that their endowments dropped, on average, by 24% in the last six months of 2008.
Profits at John Lewis fell by a fifth in the last six months, dragged down by a poor performance from its department stores.
“It’s popped up all of a sudden in the last six months, ” said Tim Sandrell, the owner of Safari Adventures in Hair in Florence.
Really, only a sliver of people are affected by falling valuations and those are employees who have joined in the last six months.
That could set off more fireworks at GM, which has had more turnover in senior management in the last six months than at any time in memory.
75 percent have not been asked to dramatically reduce business travel spending or provide more justification for trips in the last six months
Hulu, which was created by NBC and Fox, offers many TV shows online and had a 57 percent increase in viewership in the last six months of 2008.
While service was quickly restored, it marked the second major incident of its kind in the last six months -- and that is raising concerns with some.
India's benchmark stock indexes have more than doubled in the last six months, driven in part by foreign investors who are returning to the country.
In the last six months, multiple tech and telecom companies have been using prepaid CARDS as their entry point into consumer wallets and the banking industry.
Four in 10 employees say their work stress level has increased in the last six months, according to a CareerBuilder survey from late this summer. Two in 10 feel burned out.
With around a quarter of projects already having made the move to Git (and therefore visible on GitHub), the pace of transition has sped up dramatically in the last six months.
由于 1/4的项目已经迁移到了Git上(因此可以 通过GitHub访问),所以在过去的半年内,迁移的速度大大加快了。
Hospice services are generally intended for the terminally ill in the last six months of life, but as a practical matter, many people receive hospice care for only a few weeks.
It said Web 2.0 started out as a technical term meaning the next generation of World wide Web products and services but had crossed into far wider circulation in the last six months.
该机构称,Web 2.0最初是一个技术术语,意指下一代互联网产品及服务,该词汇在过去半年间迅速普及。
And of those who have ratted on him in the last six months, there is one particular group of traitors that he would like to cast — I bet — to the nethermost fire-bubbling pit of hell.
And of those who have ratted on him in the last six months, there is one particular group of traitors that he would like to cast — I bet — to the nethermost fire-bubbling pit of hell.