A descriptive approach usually lacks systematic explanation and doesn't give any real knowledge why it happens in this or that way and in any other.
Is it the government's responsibility to correct this or do people just need to buck up and change their lives in a way that turns these numbers around?
Gossip -or the fear of gossip -may in this way serve to enforce the social norms that are necessary for any group to exist.
Many of you feel that returning responsibility to people in this way means to abandon them or to tell them to solve the issue all by themselves.
Gossip - or the fear of gossip - may in this way serve to enforce the social norms that are necessary for any group to exist.
This is not to denigrate that girl by the way or the men who are drawn to her in anyway because she's still part of me and I'm part of her.
This is so that the address transfer is stored the same way whether it is compiled in 32-bit mode or 64-bit mode.
这是因为传输的地址被按同样的方式存储,而不管它是被按32 位模式还是 64位模式编译的。
By the way, in this review, I looked for what was obvious or easy to do — I am sure that other things are possible beyond what my passing efforts accomplished.
The demonstration environment was constructed in this way so that no other components would be required or would detract from what was being shown.
This way you can ensure that standard libraries or other low-level utility packages are not included in the final report.
However, it should be acknowledged that some changes, such as those relating to system qualities such as performance or reliability, cannot be isolated in this way.
Does it make sense to dissect design in this way or should we just accept the fact that everything is intertwined and come up with a reasonable way to discuss and describe it?
Extending the JAAS in this way decreases the chances that you or another programmer will have to rewrite the code as the business rules change over the lifespan of the application.
You do actually get something out of this... a great feeling that you've actually helped someone or contributed to their life in some meaningful way.
This enables primitives (custom or pre-built) to access the message in a uniform way, regardless of the protocol that was used to send it.
In the past when we learnt how to ask the way, the answer always tended to be: Go along this road and turn left in the second turning, or so. But in real life, it is not that simple.
我们以前问路的回答都是一直走,走到第几个路口向左拐或者向右拐,然而在现实生活中, 答案根本没有这么简单, 往往是九转十八弯.
Let's once again do some mind traveling and see if we can get close enough to this question to either discard it as irrelevant, or to know it personally in a way that may illuminate the issue.
Nothing in our data, by the way, suggests that evolution is, at this point, a major issue for Republicans or for the general population.
She added that Siberian shamans, or latter-day witch doctors, were also buried in this way but with richer funeral accessories to appropriate to their elevated position in society.
Pressured from my wife's disapproving looks and the blank stares I received from her family as I explained why his toes curled this way or that, I dropped the shop-talk in favor of baby-talk.
One reason is to avoid confusion or semi-forgery. I'm not especially worried that someone will take over my identity in this way, but there's no reason to invite trouble.
I think that sometimes the profession urges people to specialize in a period or an author or a place or a genre in a way that doesn't permit this, and for me that would have been a real loss.
This is not to say that physical bullying between girls does not exist or that its effects should be diminished in any way, "Kraus noted."
This provides a way to tap into the tacit knowledge that exists in companies, especially ones that have many different divisions or offices.
This functionality provides more robust concurrency and implements it in a way that does not cause extra overhead for the system or transaction processing.
In this context customers should notice that AIDA is usually the way how potential buyers are tricked into buying products or services they actually don't need.
In this context customers should notice that AIDA is usually the way how potential buyers are tricked into buying products or services they actually don't need.