Undeterred, he crept into the cemetery under the cloak of darkness with a bemused sculptor in tow.
If the simulation can plug directly into a satellite database, it might even help future tugboat pilots safely steer with an iceberg in tow.
The steam tug takes canal boats and barges in tow.
The day finally arrived and I soon caught sight of my man with his girl in tow.
"Funny notion of defying the fates — to take a woman in tow, " comments one observer.
正如一位评论说的 “拒绝命运安排的可笑主张 —拖上一个女人 ” 。
Undeterred, he crept into the cemetery under cloak of darkness with a bemused sculptor in tow.
Their friend Piper had arrived that day from Massachusetts with her three daughters in tow.
It wasn't long before I followed this man across the country, with everything I owned in tow.
I struggled into the kitchen with a bag of groceries, a baby on my hip and a 5-year-old in tow.
She turned up to the Joyce fashion store to attend the customer event with her entourage in tow.
Her 12-year-old son, Quanah, had galloped away from the attackers, with a younger brother in tow.
Meanwhile, far from the detention facility, Drazen’s troops emerge from underground with Jack in tow.
Their eyes would scan the page (often with the mouse cursor in tow) searching for the two entry fields.
Yet you still have a full household with school-aged kids, a baby, a husband or maybe a grandmother in tow.
This mother duck brought traffic to a halt as she set out for a morning swim with her adorable brood in tow.
Meanwhile, Sara arrives at the hospital with Mahone in tow. She grabs a doctor's lab coat and slips into a supply closet.
There's an FBI agent at the security gate with two federal marshals in tow. They're here to claim custody of Dante Arete.
I've done appraisals across a table, on a sofa, even over a meal. I've had them a deux and a trois - with a facilitator in tow.
The Griz return home to face the Portland Trail Blazers tonight with a five-game losing streak and a bit of controversy in tow.
We happily accepted the deal, and after a brief run to the island's only convenience store, a six-pack in tow, we ran back to the pier.
The two men travel in separate unmarked cars that take different routes to the Kodak Theatre—both with an off-duty member of the LAPD in tow.
One club recruiter said some women turn up to interviews with their mothers in tow, which never would have happened when the job was less respectable.
With foreign diplomats in tow, he recently went to Bilin, a village famous for its protests, and opened a conference for “Palestinian popular resistance”.
There I would meet Prof. Jack Franclemont, an elderly gentleman always with little dog in tow, to be tutored in the ordering and naming of life — the science of taxonomy.
There I would meet Prof. Jack Franclemont, an elderly gentleman always with little dog in tow, to be tutored in the ordering and naming of life — the science of taxonomy.