We have sought in word and deed for a new era of engagement with the world.
History has yet to see anyone more complete in compassion and wisdom, in word and deed.
In today's knowledge-based economy, we need knowledge leaders in word and deed, but not knowledge administers.
We aim, as far as possible, to be pure in word and deed, but we can allow ourselves to be as ugly as we like in thought.
With England and United, you might call him some days an exile on Main Street, but in word and deed he is still fighting his way back in.
From the moment I born, babbling to the 12 years now, mom and dad in word and deed has been deeply affects me, brings me countless surprise.
Then is God perfectly simple and true both in word and deed; he changes not; he deceives not, either by sign or word, by dream or waking vision.
My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
Films, popular literature, and television foster the stereotype that a good leader is one who wields power visibly and says, "I'm in charge" in word, deed, and demeanor.
My little children, let us not love in word, nor in tongue, but in deed, and in truth.
Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
Let us remember that our every word and deed, positive or negative, can affect the road a girl travels "from this turning point in her life."
And we, the people of the United States, will continue to perfect her in both word and in deed.
And we, the people of the United States, will continue to perfect her in both word and in deed.